DevLog 2023 Oct24-Nov7 - made a new dynamic button for changing weapon slot - fixed a bug with rendering of smoke on flybot, drone and trackbot - added hint text to the minigame - made a tab with a journal where progress will be displayed (Future quests - by questions, current quest and completed quests - verbally). Quests are divided into plot and additional. - fix the door trigger in level 6. to exit the compartment without saving Rutger (now the terminal requires a password that says Rutger when rescuing) - improved the trigger on the completion of all game events, moved it to the player's base - added a special character to dialogs so that the empty line is not lost during translations - changed and finalized the influence of fatigue and hunger parameters on character parameters, added icons and improved the indication. - made "item" food, creating food in the kitchen, sound - fixed a bug with the amount of loot if the amount is not specified - fixed bug with resetting the state of all door triggers when going through Entrance - added the ability to turn the player to the right side when starting a dialog - fixed lightning volume - finalized auto-filling of levels of NPCs and items