It's Shark(ock) Week! - by Amethystine - Hey. Say "FishStick" three times, quickly. Don't do it around anyone, though, unless you're prepared for weird looks. - "Ready, my little fishstick?" rumbled the large drake. The huge anthropomorphic dragon held a diminutive sharkman above his head, tightly gripping the stiff double triangle that was the shark's tailfins, the upper half in one hand, the lower in the other. The blue shark was legless, only half anthro, the lower half of his body (though since he was inverted currently, it could be called the 'upper half') was completely inhuman shark body and tail. The slightly human anthro half dangled and swung slightly in the open air of the beach. He swayed precariously above the yawning maw of the red and yellow, wingless dragonman, his pointed snout "I _said_--" AcePrion began, but then stopped as the strong fingers holding him up began to loosen ominously. He would already have been dropped if the swinging hadn't given the draconic male reason to time the drop perfectly. Nevertheless, it was only a split second later that Menagerie dropped his smaller-than-normal friend into his grinning, laughing snout, which was itself, larger than normal. "DON'TCALLMETHAATTT--" Ace managed to yelp in a rush, as he slipped out of the drake's hands and slickly along the outstretched tongue, careening toward the wide open throat. The drake was already swallowing, and when Ace's shoulders struck the back of Menagerie's mouth while his head sank into the rippling throat, there was hardly any stoppage of the downward momentum. The shark was made to be slippery, made to pass along wet environments, and inside the drake's gullet was certainly wet enough. Ace shivered as his body was rubbed rapidly by the flesh he had been made to slither through - he wouldn't have liked to admit it after the careless dumping he received, but the quick, slick downward slide along that tight, hot, undulating passage... it aroused him to no end. Partially because it reminded him so directly of his other experiences where he had been made to ram through similar passages, over and over, while his body throbbed and burst with bliss - and fluids. He looked forward to these outings with Menagerie so much, even if he sometimes like to act like it was a huge inconvenience for him. As if he would ever want to miss a chance to be pampered and stroked, cooed over by mermaids and wrapped up in squid or octopus legs. He even enjoyed being sucked on by shark girls, who always seemed to have way more teeth than he ever did, when he was his normal self. Of course, when he was Menagerie's marine-made maleness, he had none at all. The drake mmmmed to himself and rubbed his belly, walking toward the waves as Ace finished dropping into his belly. Almost immediately, he had set his stomach to compress around the artificially shrunken shark. As soon as he did, the shrinking potion Ame had given them wore off, and Ace expanded exponentially. There was a slight shifting of Menagerie's belly, and he moaned loudly on the deserted beach. The shark could feel his body vanishing, his tail sinking into the flesh of the stomach around him, and he moaned just as much as the shapeshifter who was absorbing him. Menag soaked up all that excess mass and made himself grow, all while still encouraging his flesh to suck the rest of the half-fused shark into himself. He needed all of him, to become his - now traditional - vacation self. His shark self. Upward he stretched as the pleasurable disappearance of his meal into his inner flesh completed. His horns flowed larger and migrated to the top of his head, merging and softening as their density lessened, lengthening into a tall shark fin. His long tail thickened and shortened, the rounded spade at the end blossoming up and down into sharp, water-cutting tailfins. His arms grew fins as well, while still more popped out along the top and bottom of his tail. He grinned and rubbed down his svelte, sleek - and getting sleeker - body, already aroused, he tensed his vent and let his growing cock press out. It surged upward to stand at the utmost proud attention, the pink rod throbbing. Menagerie's grin got thrice as sharp as it had been as his hot red scales began to cool off toward a oceanic blue, his belly had been bright yellow, and it too dulled into a smooth, lighter blue than his back. His cock, too, went from pink to the palest near-white blue.. and then it began to shift. His urethra dropped down the front of his shaft by a number of inches, all while it was becoming a horizontal - not vertical - opening. At the same time, veins along the sides of it swelled and shifted, becoming long ridges that had more rigid bends in them, rather than the serpentine passages for his blood. The new ridges swiftly grew in definition and followed a new path that had them ending near the base of his shaft, terminating in little pads that remained embedded in the flesh of the phallus. On the head of the transforming cock, near the tip, little holes opened. A bit lower on the rear of the head, vague round shapes almost surfaced, but stopped just before appearing. There was a definite covering to these hidden orbs, and a slit within the covering. Suddenly, the coverings fluttered open and black eyes were revealed. Shark eyes. The tops of the long ridges that had been veins had widened so much as to seem to create shoulders, and the resulting neck between the cock's shoulders thinned very slightly, some parts of it pulling inward, generating parallel openings - three slits on either side of the neck. Gills, not that a shark-cock actually needed them. Ace's arms - for it was, of course, Ace - peeled themselves out of the flesh, the pads at the bottom slipping up to rub his own belly momentarily before stretching them up, yawning open the former urethral opening that had dipped down to make his smiling mouth. "Ahhhhh!" he sighed in contentment, as a deep, throbbing pleasure radiated through him, the still finishing transformation being quite erotic in and of itself. A final touch that Menagerie had almost forgotten (for the shapeshifter was himself directing the metamorphosis personally, watching his still swelling shaft squirm and come to life, which only aroused him more) swiftly came into being at the end of the CTF shift. A little dorsal fin erected itself in the middle of Ace's back. Ace smiled, reaching back to feel at and rub affectionately at it. "Thanks, Menag. I wouldn't feel right without it," he murmured, rumbling in pleasure at caressing the sensitive fin. The fin might have been erect, but it was not stiff, it could and would be easily shoved down when any pressure was applied. It would then spring back up when the pressure was off. It was a constant source of stimulation for anyone who was truly experiencing Ace as a maleness belonging to the shapeshifter. Many sea-dwelling damsels had felt it grinding along their clit before it folded flat, and had sung its praises. The sharkified drake finally allowed himself to indulge in his own carnal needs, tenderly touching his Acecock after dutifully ensuring the transformation went smoothly. Rubbing up and down his rod's sides, he admired the way the more veiny, more white flesh below gave way to darker blue skin higher up the shaft. All of it was the same soft skin, of course, it was just a bit thicker up top, the veins hidden somewhat, giving Ace more or less his typical appearance. His hands rubbed all around his heavy new endowment. "You're welcome, my little fish stick," cooed Menagerie down at Ace. "Don't call me that!" Ace barked, twisting around, though such a thing was hard, given how stiff he was getting. "I thought you liked how fish stick sounds like fish dick?" "Not that! Don't call me little!" Ace stopped trying to look back at his host, and crossed his arms - although that just led him into rubbing his own oh-so-sensitive chest, moaning despite himself. "Ahhh, well.. I'm afraid.." Menagerie said, picking up the bag he had left sitting on the sand. The sharkdrake stood near the surf, but not in it. "What? What's that? Are you.. shrinking us?" Ace looked around, seeing his perspective shifting. Not getting an answer, he huffed and just watched, curious. He hung and swung around in front of the shapeshifter's trim, well muscled form, since he had been released. He was naught but a helpless male girth swaying in the cool sea air. Menagerie crouched to step over something, and Ace swung down. He tried to catch himself on Menagerie's thighs but was suddenly caught up in something that ruffled noisily up past him. "Ack! What is this? A net?! Haven't you already caught me well enough?" Ace felt like he was softening, drooping. He sighed, feeling - figuratively and perhaps literally - deflated. Menagerie must have wanted to get going to an actual undersea destination, and their usual post-CTF on-the-beach or in-the-surf self pleasure session was cancelled in light of their itinerary. Ace pouted and hung low in the mesh-crotch trunks the sharky dragon had slipped on. Part of him was embarrassed, but another part liked being on display.. in tanks and now here. He resolved to play the part of a ferocious wild animal at least a few times, when someone noticed he was in there. Meanwhile, the shapeshifter was walking out into the shallows, slipping on a rather appropriate tanktop for his and Ace's one-week vacation together. He couldn't stop smiling at the thought of how he looked, and at the plans ahead. He knew Ace was a bit bummed, but that's because the temporarily shrunken-for-the-sake-of-mobility-and-speed sharkshaft didn't know all the excellent places they were going to go. He mentally checked off all the 'mating seasons of the tropics' destinations in his head and grinned just a bit more around those gleaming teeth of his.