Entwined, by AmethyStine - A Tawdry, Twisting Tale of Lustful Linking, for LightningClaw ~~~ ~~ ~ Xanders (c) LightningClaw / FenekkuKitsune Story, TFs and the TwinNaga (c) Amethystine WARNING: This story contains strange smut situations, mostly that of a CTF-based nature. The CTF is achieved non-traditionally via multiple connections instead of one. Also, cocksnake TF and general body manipulation / flesh-crafting. ~ ~~ ~~~ [Recap of Segment 1+2+3+4+5: ] [Xanders, a blue fennec-kitsune with some added morphic abilities at her disposal, has come to a fusion convention and has found herself obsessed with finding a certain serpent, who is known for sensual transformations. The kitsune is a lover of cocksnakes (and frequently has one of her own), and imagines the python she's after will be the ultimate sheath-filling companion. That serpent is called 'Amethystine,' she's been told.] [Upon finding him in the hallway of the hotel that's attached to the convention centre, she approached him and looked out the same window the naga gazed out through, near the elevators.] [Immediately, she turned on the charm and starting pumping out potent pheromones, to entice the serpent, flirting fast, the foxy femme fawning over the fetching fellow.] [I should also mention that her 'clothes' are merely illusions she's casting, as she walks around utterly naked, but for her fur.] [After getting both of them into a state of utter arousal, Xanders offered to have Amethystine slip himself into her sheath, to become 'a brother' cocksnake to her own serentine shaft, named Dreki. - Amethystine countered by conjuring his own 'brother', slipping into a twinsnake form, where both ends of his long coily body are tipped with identical, sensual serpent upper bodies.] [In a curious case similar to the genial Jekyll and hedonistic Hyde, Amethystine had been made to devolve into a more sensual and less restrained duo, becoming 'Ameth & Stine'. The so-called twins, a conjoined python-pair or 'amphisbaena-naga' had swept Xanders off her paws, and into their hotel room.. where they teased her with claw and finger, snout and tongue, and coils cradling her body like a toy in their embrace.] [They mutated further with the lust that the kitsune's scent caused in them.. making a show of morphing their dual-shaft manhoods into tongue-like shapes, with thick knots.. before pumping out python-cocks from within, as if the thick cocksnakes always owned the writhing tongue-organs.] [In no time, the trio was rushing toward a climax wherein one twin fed his double snakes into Xander's maw, and the other delved his serpentine organs into her backside, both her butt and her slit. Together, they all came.. but this was only the beginning of their bliss.] [The snakes peeled away from the kitsune, and left their organs within her, detaching from the thick throbbing things knotted into her various holes. She was plugged with living toys, the tongue-shaft things still licking around inside of her, which were fused into place, and continued to pulse and leak their liquids into her. Her desire blossomed deeper, finding herself stuffed full and locked/blocked, unable to slip her fingers into the places that so keenly needed them.] [The twins claimed to have 'seeded' her, and that she now needed to be planted somewhere. The dual-naga brothers still possessed their thick hemi-cocksnakes, and used these to devour her.. or her limbs, at least. Her hands and arms were fed into the phallic snakes of one brother, while her paws and legs were slipped into the sex-serpents stemming from the other serpent's thick vent.] [Of course, this was leading to fusion, to merge Xanders with the manhoods, the cockflesh conjoining with her limbs and creeping forward, toward her torso.. But where will this corruption lead? And where will the brothers cum from, now?] ~ SEGMENT SIX [FINAL SEGMENT] "We implant.." the pair spoke again, and laid their hands upon her aching form, which pumped and throbbed from the four connections, feeling as though she was stiffening, thickening, from her limbs, to her core. "We infect.." their touches shoved at her blocked holes: two hands on her head guiding her maw open so two more could press in and probe her throat, making her moan and squirm - still sealed, still sizzling with a strange need. Two heavy hands peeled her asscheeks apart, for two more thick thumbs to apply pressure, sending her mind sailing once more, the blockages there remaining, touches to them resulting in fresh aching for stimulation that would not, could not cum. Above her body, Dreki danced in the air, twisting and trickling with pre, trying to stimulate himself, in the absence of any friendly hands. "We improve..!" The surging rush of changes that came to pass in that moment were monumental, sweeping Xanders' body up in a swell of sweet heat. Her arms and legs throbbed with thickening veins, as deep within them, thick channels formed, forging the path that was the purpose of any cock. Urethral channels rippled through the pulsing flesh of her warping appendages, as the snakes lifted her body off of their coils. She hung between them, suspended only by the binding cock-connections, that blissful bondage of boner-flesh. Xanders screamed inside of her throat, as her balls and breasts and belly swelled swiftly, quickly becoming a reservoir for the nagas' precum, before it burst from her nipples and Dreki's mouth, an explosive, erotic eruption.. but not a proper climax, not for the pythons.. even if to the vixen, it was as intense as a full-body feminine orgasm, gripping her all over, wringing pleasure and juice from her form. The snakes pressed close, and the increasingly cock-fleshed kitsune quivered and shuddered, so many more nerves packing into her pink skin, as fur fled from her surface, fusing back into her.. every follicle forming a dense new packet of aching nerves. Her body was crushed between them once more, and they moaned, their need pumping into her faster and faster. One snake was lower than the other, the one who had claimed her legs. His head kissed at her belly, her pre-leaking breasts, sucked on her aching snake, massaged her swollen sac. As he dipped his head lower onto the squirming, drooling Dreki, the hands of the other twin laid upon her shoulders, and upon her breasts.. she realized she was flopped back onto the chest of the other snake, head nestled by pectorals once more. Groaning, almost entirely lost in the sensual sea the snakes had spawned around her, she looked up at the twin who smiled down at her, with his mouth panting, tongue flicking. "Sssoon~" he moaned, grasping her neck and rubbing, rubbing her head hard, as his lower pair of arms squeezed and milked an ungodly amount of pre form her bustline. Her changing body was a massive complex cock to the amphisbaena, a beautiful and blissful connection between their two ends, bringing their already linked senses into a perfect circle. The sensations they shared flared larger and hotter, with her body bridging the gap between their brains, no longer needing to slither through the whole long body. Everything was so much more immediate, and every blissful touch felt as if it twisted around and around the long loop that their body had become, thanks to the moaning, squirming vixen-bridge. It was a revelation for the reptiles, as well, and they couldn't get enough of feeling her body blending more and more into part of theirs, claiming further inches, faster and faster, as they kissed and stroked and massaged and masturbated via her steadily more stolen, swiftly more swollen flesh. Faster and faster, they rubbed her now boneless limbs, which pumped and pulsed so much slime into her core, for them to milk out of her. In her blocked holes, the 'seeds' they had planted began to pulse and shift and squirm, coming to life alongside the cockification of the kitsune. "Come.. Become.. asss one.." More and more, things were a buzzing, blissful blur - a chaotic climb toward ultimate climax, as the brothers rippled around her, stretching and mashing and tightly jerking her turgid, erect 'limbs', and the shapely torso that remained in the midst of the maleness-infected hips and shoulders. The need, it was too much, and she submitted utterly to the control of the constrictors crushing in around her body.. which could hardly be called just hers, any longer. It was theirs, all theirs, to do with as they pleased - for it pleased her, so very much. She only wished to remain within, between, entangled in them, an infinitely changeable toy for the talented twins. She wasn't sure if her mental submission changed anything, maybe they were always going to take control of her flesh, entirely, as the 'infection' took hold. All she knew is that she would welcome it, enjoy it to the utmost. Xanders' body bloomed one last time. The fountains of fluid from her expanded breasts paused slightly as her flesh flopped forward, fast forming phallic additions. Vulpine nipple-cocks pumped into achingly erect states, seemingly without knots.. until one realized the breasts themselves were tightening into thick knotlike bases for the veiny shafts upon them. Still breasts, and knots at the same time, a warped combination of both. Back from her crotch, the lower twin lifted, to reveal a swelling Dreki, pumping, pulsing larger, longer, becoming a miniature nagashaft, who thrust himself up, betwixt her throbbing bust, and latched his hands, instinctively, onto the two new nipcocks.. his other two hands endlessly massaging his dark blue, pre-soaked self, hissing and disgorging massive globs of pre. The pleasure from the pythons pumped harder and faster into Xanders as her tails twisted into a tight, merging spiral of fusing, condensing fur and flesh, and dissolving spine. A heavy, dark-blue snake-tail wraped and warped itself into existence, trembling in the air before its forming maw burst open to reveal a teeming tangle of nine tongueshaftsnakes, writhing in slippery, slimy rapture together. The final wave of change was as climactic as any orgasm, and thrice as thrilling. Thick pink veins of changing flesh stretched from her shoulders to her neck, forming deep lines in her blue fur. Likewise, pink and snaking furrows in her fur led from her hips, into her crotch, and around the swell of her ass. The corruption awoke the seeds, and eschewed the blockage, making the four 'tongues' root deeply within her, as out came the carnal harvest. From her ass and pussy each, a pythonic shaft burst out, while a more slender snake-pair poured out of her snout. She felt them as keenly and plainly as her claimed limbs, felt them hissing and slithering in the air, dancing and entwining around one another, grinding hard together, instantly needy, leaky, throbbing, aching for anything they could experience. Moreover, the pair of throat-plugging 'seeds' had merged long ago, within that conjoinment to her throat, and so they came out thickly tethered, twin tubes of flesh, only their snouts forked apart. For a heavenly moment, her tongue caressed and licked the underside of the new organ, but as soon as Xanders' own tongue touched the unavoidably thick and slick bodies, it too began to be subsumed, swiftly, her hungry, self-pleasuring licks flowing up into the twin-headed viper tongue-shaft, utterly beyond her control. The twins were there to help, and gobbled up the new nethers. No suckling on any bodypart had ever felt so sweet, so rapturous, for Xanders. Her mouth was forced open by the thickness of her throat-rooted shafts and her pussy and ass were stretched to the utmost by the writhing, undulating bodies. All four new snakes were soaked and secreted lubrication from their turgid flesh, and pumped in and out of her body on their own, their deep roots allowing them to slither back and forth, threading their sensitive selves through her juicy tightnesses.. and into the intense embrace of the twin naga-maws. From above, four hands took over Dreki's pleasure, two hands grasping the moaning, fourarmed nagacock, two hands beginning to jerk at the augmented, vulpine-shaft-tipped knot-breasts. Below, all four hands from the other twin were fed to the thick tailsnake's maw, so that all those twitching former tails could find fingers to flick and fling themselves around and around, grinding hard and oozing untold amounts of lubrication onto the scaly digits. The vixen's body was a wonderland, for herself and her captors, her hosts, her passionate possessors. She was a hurricane of heat, a maelstrom of moaning, succulent storm of supreme, sublime sinful sensation. She was four cocks in one, and her body had bloomed to provide eight, doubling the depths of the doublesnake's depraved delights. "Deliciousssssss damsssel dicksss~" murmured the python twins, groping and squeezing, pumping and tugging, squeezing tighter together around their impossibly intense, knitted network of nerves, the thick web of connection between them Xanders had become, with so many juicy, succulent parts to palpate, to kiss, to touch, to stroke. At long last, the serpents lost all control, giving in to greed and need. In a blurry flurry of hissing and bliss, their eight arms each split in twain, forming sixteen long, strong, boneless tendrils, and every available inch of fuckflesh was grabbed, constricted in what felt like an army of snake-tails, assaulting the assemblage of serpentine shafts. Tight coils spiralled around what had been her arms and legs, now nothing more than bulging fleshtubes feeding so much fluid into her suspended, fusion-bound form. Her bondage to the snakebodies was absolute, and she cared little. All that mattered was getting more of their touch, rapidly lashing around her. Those limbs pumped her quartet of cockroots while still more of the sixteen landed upon every sensitive spot she sported. The frenzied masturbation by the twins only made her body succumb more fully to cockness, more fur fusing into flesh, making more nerves, more smooth, sensitive skin for them to stroke and sweep the sixteen arms over and around, gripping and pumping every possible part of the femme-fennec-turned-phallic-festival. Dreki, a centrepiece upon Xanders, was both bloated and beaming, a beacon of bliss. His body was constricted and caressed constantly in the barrage, burgeoning balls below him and belly behind him, massaged by passing snakelimbs. Bigger, the snakes flowing out of her pussy and ass flexed, bigger and fatter, harder and longer, squirming with such strength, which made her body shake and quake in place, her purple eyes fluttering in the eye of the storm. So many snakes were cocooned in tendrils, or had their maws stuffed - boneless limbs compressing within, to sound their pre-pumping depths. From her slack-jawed maw, what had been her tongue and the mostly-merged cocksnake with two heads, it pumped larger and longer, throb by throb, her head pounding with pleasure, feeling the flesh within her mouth growing thicker, pulsing longer. The snake-corrupted, forked tongue-shaft expanded as her erotic evolution extended, evermore. Out of her control, the tongue slickly licked around her own snout, her face, her neck, smearing itself over her nose in some vestige of what she may have once done with her more typical tongue. Her overtaxed nostrils could smell nothing but pure, unadulterated snake-musk.. realizing that her own scent had become part of the ophidians' odor. It as if they had always been merged, that aroma telling her that the fennec had never existed, that she had always been a pair of cock-creatures coming out of the tempting twins' slits. Maybe she had been two 'normal' twin fox-phalluses - cute girl-shafts that the serpents had conjured themselves and had decided to decorate with the vixen-like effectation, simply because the amphisbaena thought foxes were hot. She had done much the same in her creation of Dreki based on her affinity for serents, so it wasn't so unheard of. So, clearly.. the two males sometimes melted the two of her into one unified organ, for their own extreme pleasure, like they were doing right now. The latest in a series of sensual experiments. Her mind reeled at the idea. _Maybe_ she had been four penile pets, two sets of hemis. She didn't know any more, the scent she huffed into her brain over and over seemed to confirm her wild remixing of the truth, her scent was just a part of theirs, and had seemingly always been that way. Her actual life, her real history were momentarily forgotten, in that fuck-filled fog. The world no longer existed, just the twisted bliss, fed into her from all possible angles. The three of them, twins and vixen, felt their end coming, as one. A great shiver shot through the massive amphisbaena-body, and both brothers came crashing together - one bending down, the other stretching up, to latch onto each of Xanders' writhing, much extended, cock-snake-tongue-forks. As one, they arrived at their destination. The edge of the cliff. As one, they dove into the sea of sin and seed and cream and cumming. Cumming. Cumming. So much going, going, going out of her body after cumming into it. Endless erotic ecstasy echoing in all directions, a deluge of spooge shooting from two naga, through four cockroot-limbs, into belly and breasts and balls, all of which contracted, pumping into eight exits. Two tonguetips, two foxcocknips, her sheath-stretching nagashaft, her pussy-and-pucker pumping pythons.. and her tail with its ninefold tongues. All of them jettisoned jolts of jizz, joyously, unendingly. Glorious and excessive in the extreme, it was a dream. A steamy, cream-laden dream. Coils were caked with cum, the twisting, pumping tendril-arms refusing to stop milking the messy maiden, too turned on by the temptress-turned-tempest. The frantic tantric fling finally bringing itself to a close, with the wringing of semen out of so many members, their synced skin singing the sweet song of satisfaction. ~ On a hotel bed, lounging on her side atop the bedspread, lay Xanders. Totally normal, totally nude. Totally clean. Her nonet of tails was fanned out behind her, lazily swaying as she watched the door. Into the room, a reptile writhed. Just as reverted from his perverted diversions. Amethystine slithered to the blue beauty, bowing down to offer the water to her, as if she was a queen, a goddess. "Here. Drink up. Sorry again." "Thank you, Ame. But, again, don't be sorry. You.. or your naughty boys, whatever.. were just what I needed, just what I wanted. I know you think you lost control in an embarrassing way but.. I think it's impressive, for you to douse my fire in one go like that. I mean, I was madly in heat. Something about this place set me off, harder than I thought it would and I.. well, I might have been too forward, in the hall. But then, I hardly knew who I was setting off, either." The serpent had slunk himself and a curl of coil onto the comforter, to chat with the vixen. "It takes someone pretty talented to bring out the twins so fast. You really got me going. Too many naughty ideas, inspired by the things I've been thinking about but _not_ doing, all convention long--" It was Sunday night now, and it had been late Sunday afternoon when Xanders had arrived. She hadn't realized it was all coming to an end so soon, hence the lack of action for her to get in on, No parties, just last-minute flings between fusion-friends and linking lovers, in rooms steeped with scents from a long weekend of debauchery. Ame was still speaking, "--and when I get certain ideas, sometimes they get stuck in my head. A splinter in my mind." "Ah, I see. That one masterpiece, unsculpted, unpainted, unperformed. It can be maddening, to have that feeling of potential unfulfilled. So that's what brings out the 'brothers'?" "Oh, no.. it was just an idea for them to enact, but I was going to wait and try it on a friend, at home. But then you showed up and.. squeezed it out of me, so to speak. That and a number of other things." "Do you mean more ideas, or more cum..?" "Both." The fennec tittered. "Speaking of which, are you sure the hotel staff are going to be okay with.. you know. That level of.." the kitsune paused, pondering the proper word. "--leavings?" Ame waved one hand while the other continued to prop up his torso on the bed. "There's a special crew for after a Fuse-Con weekend, don't worry." They had left the constrictor's cum-caked quarters behind, seeking out a suite not reeking with his 'flavour.' A certain pine marten friend had given the spare key to their suite, to the naga. It seemed the blue-and-white furred forest-dweller was out savouring the last evening of the con. "And besides, I've seen much worse messes. I've made some myself, after all." "Mmm, and _which_ part of the manufacturing process were you in THOSE instances, hmm?" Xanders teasingly asked, reaching out to rub up and down the reptile's sleek arm. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Ame asked, flippantly, followed by a flipping flutter of forks. "I would like to _see_." Xanders crawled closer on the crisply made bed, licking her lips. "I would like to.. feel. The process.. of such a mess." "Mm, I know you would. But you promised." "Promised?" The snake slunk off the bed and slipped toward the door, while his tail encircled the kitsune's slim waist, and pulled her along behind him. "You said you'd help pack up my booth, silly fox!" "Argh! I told you, I'm not a fox! I'm a kitsune! Don't you see all these tails??" she chided him, but was fairly certain he was just teasing her. At the same time, she was backpedalling, trying to resist the pull of the long, strong body leashing her middle, slowing the serpent's exit from the room. She had entirely forgot her earlier hasty bluff about helping the handsome reptile. "What do you sell, anyway?" "TF potions - mostly fusion ones, at a con like this." Suddenly, the fennec was marching ahead, dragging the naga's tail out ahead of him. "Well, why didn't you say so? Let's get cracking!" The door shut behind them, and that was that. ~~~ ~~ ~ .