It's a calm and pleasant morning on the beach of Anteronia. Before the crowds arrive with umbrellas and blankets, two twenty-somethings rush through the sandy shores, giggling and enjoying each other's company. The young man chases his companion, wrapping his arms around her from behind and nuzzling her back. She leans back into him, letting the waves lap around her ankles. But their time alone is not so lonely after all, as it isn't just the salty sea breeze that blows to their ears, but a mournful, haunting, beautiful sound. The woman pulls away from her beloved, holding his hand as she leads him toward the source of the sound, curious and adventurous. Sea-foam crashes about their ankles as they traverse the dangerous terrain. They are not dressed for a hazardous excursion, so their clambering over the rocks is slow, deliberate, and careful. Yet, they must continue, for the song is far too enticing to ever want to miss it. They soon arrive at a small bowl featuring one rock poking out from the swirling waters, and sitting on that rock is a sight to behold, indeed, for upon it is a being of unquestioning beauty. From the tip of her tail, resting upon the rock, fins wiggling placidly, to the scales that sparkle in the shine of the water trickling down between their plates, up to the curvy body, full and lively, and the green hair that rolls down her water-shining shoulders. She is the epitome of the aquatic beauty, the strange and alluring call of the sea. Both of the early-morning lovers find themselves stepping into the water. The moment their feet touch the waves, the woman's song ends, and she sits there upon the rock, frozen for a moment. The woman among the two beach-goers grips her male companion's hand. She tugs him away, but a moment passes, and the creature upon the rock turns around, a smile creeping over her face. She is naked as she lounges there, curling her finger in closer, ushering them both toward her. The man is the first to step close to the mer creature, the water lapping at his ankles, calves, thighs, and waist. The mermaid slips out of the rock and splashes before him, pressing her body against his and locking her lips to his. He eagerly returns the kiss, wrapping his arms around her, gripping at her thighs, her tail swishing about, pulling him around before she presses him against the rock. His female companion stomps up to the two, grabbing the maid by the shoulder and tearing her away from the man, a scowl on her face. The mermaid looks at her with wide eyes, mouth agape. Still, they widen more when the woman presses her lips to the maid's, dancing with her in a battle of dominance, lying upon the man as his back is against the stony outcropping. The maid is sandwiched between the two, her hands moving to stroke and caress the two lovers. As their hands graze over her body, feeling every inch of her, she relinquishes herself to them. And so the mermaid sings a much different song as the kisses of the surface dwellers pepper her shoulders, cheeks, and neck. As breasts squish against breasts. As the rock-hard cock of the human man rubs over her butt, the mermaid rubs back against him, moaning in a low and melodious tone. The two humans step back from her, letting her slip back into the water down to her face. The man steps forward, his cock right in front of her face, while the woman steps up beside them, reaching into the water, grasping her wrist, and pulling it up to her own lips. The two of them snicker and watch as the merperson stares up at them, frowning, then diving in, wrapping her lips around his length, plunging her fingers between the woman's clam. The mermaid sucks and slurps, bobbing her head, curling her fingers, stroking the woman's clit with her thumb, servicing the two with such reckless abandon. Her slurping and her sucking and her fingering are like that of someone hungry after a long day's travel. From her ministrations, the man is the first to arrive. He grits his teeth and releases, sending his salty spunk down her throat, and he collapses upon the rock again, his chin up over the water. Panting, he blinks and looks around at the rocky outcropping, now just part of the sea. Meanwhile, the mermaid turns her lips underwater and to the woman, plunging her tongue into the human's depths. The woman gasps and grabs the mermaid by the head, leaning forward, water spraying up into her mouth. She spits, staring up at her companion, who swims toward her, for she cannot walk anymore. She desperately tries to pull herself away from the mermaid. The maid's mouth continued going at her, and she slipped, gasping in the exclamations of delight. The man dives down to grab the mermaid and pull her away from the woman. Something substantial grabs him by the stomach, pulling him away, ripping him from his beloved and out to the ocean beyond. The woman holds onto the mermaid, gasping as the water gets higher and the waves rougher, but riding more waves of delight as she gets closer and closer. Through an explosion of joy, she climaxes, her eyes fluttering, her gasps calming down. When she finally finished, she yanked away, disappearing into the ocean. — The following day, an old man walks along the shoreline, only to stop when he sees a figure sprawled out on the road. The young man lies there, staring at the sky, his chest slowly rising and falling as the old man looms over him. "You alright, son?" the old man asks. "Looks like you had a wild Anteronian night. The young man swallows and glances over to the old man saying. "You don't know the half of it."