The docks of Anteronia are where major trade happens, and with that trade comes travelers worldwide. Such travelers include the two sailors who find themselves unloading cargo late into the early morning, out of the prying eyes of the Judicators and their adherence to strict laws. One of the sailors, a brawny orcish woman, huffs as she places a barrel down onto the pier. She wipes her brow and leans against the barrel. "Guh. This is back-breaking work, and for what?" "For us to keep our mouth shut," says the lithe catboy. He drags along a smaller crate, panting heavily as he gets it halfway down the gangplank. The orc picks the parcel up in one hand and hoists it over her shoulder. "You'd better get a move on if you wanna make sure this gets to where it needs to go." "Yeah, yeah, I… wait." The cat sniffs, his ears alert, his whiskers twitching. "Do you hear that?" "Forget hearing it… do you smell that? Guh, did you open up a can of tuna or something?" "It's not me this time," the feline pouts. With a wet plap, a large, webbed hand grabs onto the side of the pier. This is followed by another one from the other side, surrounding the two sailors as two lumbering forms with glowing yellow eyes heave their bulk over the side, pinning them back-to-back. "Oh, fuck no!" the cat yowls, turning and sprinting away from the situation, leaving behind his fellow sailor. "Ya lily-livered coward!" shouts the orc. "Come back here and fight like a man!" As she says this, one of the slick, shiny, scaled creatures swipes at her, smacking the barrel with such force as to make her stumble back into the arms of the other ichthyoid intruder. Its gills flap as it growls at her, sharp teeth spread past large, quivering lips. "Oh, by the gods!" The sailor says, struggling and straining against its grasp. "You won't take me without a fight, ya beasts!" The forward fishman’s large, saucer-like eyes reflect her grimace in the moonlight. It reaches forward, pressing a wet and clammy hand against her cheek. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Oh, my luck's run out, ain't it?" A bellowing roar fills her ears when a flash of pink streaks the air before the sailor. Embedded in the woodwork is a shield-shaped like a heart, humming with magical energy. "What is this?" The sailor blurts, but just then, the shield glows, projecting a larger heart that wraps around her and knocks the two freaky fish guys out of the radius and back to the pier's edge. "Those who would break the sanctity of someone's chastity, face me, the protector of this city!" The fishmen stumble back to their feet, groaning, roaring, and stumbling toward the one who would stop them. The figure lights up the darkness in a dazzling display of pink energy, leaping and twirling in a gymnastic degree across the sky and landing behind them. She scans over them through heart-filled glasses, smirking as she reaches for her shield. It thrums with magical energy and attaches itself to her wrist. "By the power of Chastity, I shall smite you! Take your lust-fueled hearts and disappear from this world, once and for all!" With a wave of her arms, taking on the shape of a giant heart, Chastity unleashes a blast of magical energy that strikes the two of them, engulfing the creatures in the harsh rays of her might. What's left behind is a pile of smoldering cinders, leaving a crispy fried fish smell through the dock. The orc sailor watches this whole exchange, her mouth slack-jawed. "They aren't gonna believe this at the pub," she says. Chastity giggles, stepping up to the sailor and poking the bubble that protects her. "That's okay, citizen. All in a day's work to keep your virginity safe." The orc blushes deep at that. "What’d you say to me!?” Chastity giggles, a finger upon her cheek. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me!” A tiny creature hobbles up beside Chastity, squeaking playfully. Its own heart-focused eyes are big as it looks at the magical girl. "Ah, right, well you take care, sailor, and remember, you're safe here in Anteronia!" The sailor shakes her head and lifts the parcel, kicking the barrel over and rolling it down the pier. "I'm gonna need a drink."