Billy Kine feels a piercing of delight through his heart at the sight of the confident older man lying on the bed before him. The cowboy lulls gently at the response his appearance gives the older coyote, and while his maleness quivers in delight at the words, he gets even more excited at the tightening that is evident underneath his jeans. "A… are you going to eat me, Daddy Rey?" he says, hands on his cheeks, kicking his hooves. "Maybe," Cody says, hands up behind his head, spreading his legs slightly. "But we'll just have to see where the day takes us. Come here, cutie." The cowboy climbs onto the bed, crawling to the older coyote. He places his hands upon the man's fuzzy and warm body, sliding up from his tummy and over his chest. Billy shudders, licking his lips as he climbs there, his breath broken and excited. Cody places a hand upon his cowboy's back, rolling down so the two lie side-by-side on the bed. He pulls Billy in close, their chests making sweet contact with one another, his nose pressed against Billy's. Cody growls, a sharp smile spreading over his mouth. "I can't believe I got this prize when I bought this house," he says, leaning in, pressing his tongue along Billy's neck. Billy gasps, tilting his head, closing his eyes, and gripping Cody's shoulders. "Aaa. n.h… da-daddy…" "Mmm? What is it? Tell me what you want, babe…" The cowboy rocks his hips forward, his femmy boycock pressed against the denim of the coyote's jeans, rubbing those rugged trousers, slipping up and down his shaft. Cody responds with a hand sliding down BIlly's side, running over his hips and finding its way between his legs, deftly pressing a palm to the head and stroking at the base. "Such a needy little cowboy you are," the coyote growls, rumbling his deep voice in his chest. "I'm so glad you would dress up for me. I really should do something for you." “F… fuck me…” Billy whimpers. "So naughty…" Cody whispers into his ear, licking along the lobe. "After all, your mommy and daddy are right next door. If you squeal too loud, they might hear." "Mmm… that's why we're inside," Billy suggests, hands running over Cody's waistline, hoofed fingers slipping under the band. "True, true," he says. "Besides," Billy responds, kissing the coyote right on the middle of the chest. "You're my daddy, Daddy Rey." "Damn right, I am," Cody says, scooting and sitting up on his knees. "And I think Daddy has something that his cowboy wants." Sitting up, Cody unbuttons his pants. They are the slightly smaller ones he wore for days such as this, allowing the dramatic pop of the button to be much more noticeable for his favorite cowboy. And Billy notices, squeaking with glee as the pants are freed. He reaches up and places his hands at the zipper, pulling down slowly. His breath is huffing and happy, and his eyes widen as more and more of the coyote's pubic fuzz is exposed. "N… no underwear?" Billy gasps. "Don't need it with what we're doing, cowboy," he says, placing a hand on the back of the cowboy's head, petting gently, running a hand up over his horn. "Mmmn…." Billy sighs, pulling the pants down, letting that coyote cock spring free from its hold. He presses his face right up to that thing, taking a nice, big whiff between his legs, his eyes rolling back, fluttering in delight. "Damn, if people knew how much of a freak you were, they'd go nuts," Cody says. "I'm a freak for you, Daddy Rey," the cowboy says, wrapping fingers around the shaft and slowly stroking it, getting that half-erect thing to pump up to fuller and fuller mast. He bites his lip, watching Cody as he strokes the older man. "A freak I could have on wonderful days like this," Cody says, scratching the young bull by his luxurious hair. "But not entirely for myself." The cowboy presses his lips to the tip of the coyote's cock, letting out a soft "hmm…?" "Come on, cutie," Cody says, "You're much too much of a degenerate to tie yourself down to one old dog. There are plenty of other guys out there you could please yourself with. Or girls, if you swing both ways like I do." Billy kisses over that shaft with wet, slobbery smacks along him. He sighs and closes his eyes, stroking the rod with the devotion that only the most desirous of followers would give. "Damn it, kid. You can't just let me hog all the fun." Billy finally pulls away but is still held by the coyote. He licks his lips and sighs, holding onto his daddy's thighs. "I'm like this because you gave me the confidence to be like this, Daddy Rey," he whimpers. "Can't you let me be your little fuck toy?" Cody leans forward, stroking his cheek. "That's not part of what makes you such a beautiful creature," he says, growling. "It's the potential I see in you to do great and delightful things." The cowboy looks gently into the coyote's eyes, then leans in, licking his cheek. "Nasty," Cody snickers, and then grips his horn tightly and kisses him deeply, tongue clashing against tongue, tasting the sweat and musk that came off of his own body. They pull back, panting and staring each other deep in the eyes. "Fuck me," again the cowboy says, not asking or pleading but demanding. Cody snickers. "Well, If you're gonna be too horny to listen to reason, I don't see what other choice I have."