Tirna curls up in the hold of the powerful and sensitive dragon. Within her churns the starter of new life, coalescing into the first moments that shall one day lead to the next generation—a leader for her people, and one who will be of great use to all. “Now, my dear child,” the goddess says, whispering into the woman’s ear. “If you wish, you may go through the rite of rebirth yourself, and through that rite, you shall become that which delivers your people out of their despair and famine. Tirna’s eyes flutter open as she glances up to Xasandra’s, a smile forming on her lips. “What other wondrous thing must I commit to in order to do that, my love?” The goddess chuckles, extending her powerful wings. She places the woman down on the ground before her and she too sits upon the soft soil. It is the goddess’s turn to sit back, spreading her legs, wider than Tirna had ever seen anyone able, or willing, to accomplish. The once mighty cock that sprouted out of the goddess’s pussy shrinks back to the clitoral nub. What greets the human, then, is the glistening and enflamed lips of the dragon goddess’s womanhood, lookingh so inviting and warm. “But, goddess,” teh woman says, scooting up towards that delightful peach, “I have nothing with which to please your body.” Xasandra flutters her eyes. “Not as your current self, you don’t,” she admits, “but if you taket he plunge, you can become something much more, something that will be the perfect mother for what grows within you.” Tirna places her hands on her stomach, rubbing it gently. “And what if I don’t take this step?” “You may not be strong enough to control the divine child that grows within you. It could become a curse upon the world. Perhaps it could even lead your whole village to ruin.” “W… why did you let this happen without telling me?” Tirna asks, gripping her stomach. “No mother knows what their child will become,” the goddess says, curling a finger in toward herself, beckoning Tirna closer. “We only do what we can with what we’re given by nature and by nurture. I simply offer you more tools to handle what is to come. No human in history has handled their progeny perfectly. You will be no exception, unless you take this trial.” “So, I shall be perfect?” “Perfect for what’s to come after you.” Tirna swallows and crawls forward. “What do you need of me, oh goddess?” Xasandra places her hand upon the woman’s head, pressing her face right up against her divine feminity. Tirna squeaks, but her voice is muffled up against that hot, steamy core. She makes like the goddess before her and produces kisses that go upon the lips. The goddess wraps her long, strong tail around the human, guiding it around her stomach, squeezing her with a gentle intention. Her legs close in, heels pressing upon Tirna’s ass. All these things serve to push her further, and Tirna takes it as needing to open her mouth and to let her tongue slide out. It laps up and down along Xasandra’s folds, tasting the deific nectar that Xasandra produces, showing to the world how ready the goddess is to take some god’s powerufl rod. But Tirna has no such thing. She can never have such a thing. SHe is but a mortal woman who has hardly experienced the joys of sex before this day. What can she, with only a tongue, do for the great Xasandra. And yet, Xasandra tilts her head back and she ltes out a great sigh. She coaxes the woman further, pushing her in, but surely it’s enough? Tirna presses her hands against the dragon’s thighs, seeking stability, even as those lips part further and further, allowing her nose and mouth to slip in. With another push from the goddess, the mortal realizes that something much more is at work here, for with that shove from her feet and tail, Tirna’s face disappears within the warmth of the goddess. She squeaks and she moans and she squirms around, faced wtih that warm darkness surrounding her. It’s moist and the scent overwhelms her, but it isn’t terrifying. In fact, as more of her head slides within, she finds herself eager then to see exactly what was going to happen. She presses her knees against the ground, pushinging herself, wriggling as her neck disappears inside, spinning around as she leans this way and that to let one shoulder an then another, kiss the goddess’s folds. Outside, Xasandra groans, shuddering, licking her lips. “Oh, yes, my dear. To become a full daughter of mine, you msut be re born… and to be reborn, you must enter the womb again!” She gets both hands around the human now, pushing her further within, gripping her tightly, standing and shoving her further up within her, the womb itself so inviting and gripping, pulling and sucking Tirna inside of her, disappearing past her breasts, squeezing her upper body, making the comfort so much more palpable. Tirna scooches and reaches upward, climbing now, reaching for that womb, excitedly meeping and cooing as she kicks her feet. It is wiht the goddess’s hands that guide her that she’s able to have her hips push through. And the goddess then takes to the sky, flying high into the air, and flipping to face down. Now with gravity working among them, Tirna finally disappears within the folds of the mother goddess, and in that warmth, she wraps herself up, her arms around her knees, her knees aginst her chest. And she closes her eyes, falling asleep to the comforting tones of the dragon who pats her stomach, fying off into the great blue sky of that divine realm.