Birds screech and fly away in the vicinity of the sound. Her shoulders pop and poke as she maintains the call. Soon, she focuses on them, flexing and rolling. Feeling so tight there. It’s a tightness she wants to escape as she feels her muscles moving in ways they never had before. She flexes old and new, beating them free, realizing what this means! And wings erupt from her former human skin, spreading wide towards the sky. Her cries become louder throughout the islands as her teeth recede into her gums, becoming more comfortable. That’s when Toothless’s tongue brushes down deep enough, hitting her in a place about which she had only heard legends before. She raises her head, her eyes rolling back, and her mouth opens in a comical “oh!” Looking over her shoulder, her bright blue eyes focus on the slender but powerful body before her. She lifts her hips high so Toothless can dine upon her delight. There may be but one thing missing. It desperately calls for it, even with Toothless’s head in the way. She focuses on her body, down along her spine, huffing, chuffing, and grunting. Soon, though, her tail pops out from her rear, extended and majestic, striking Toothless and sending him falling back. The nightfury shakes his head and watches with wide eyes as the tail fans out, slipping back and forth in the air in a majestic motion. Her wings and tail fire off new sensations in her brain as the wind catches them. The tail falls, patting Toothless’s head. The dragon growls, climbing back to position, his wings wrapping around her as he continues to dine on dragon pussy, a hungry growl deep in his male heart, slurping away without a care in the world other than to make his female scream for him. And who knows what else afterward? She pushes herself up, looking down into the water, her eyes half-lidded, her mouth open, panting, grunting out in a voice that cannot make human words, shaking her head. She thrusts her hips back, pushing her body with her front legs, wrapping her lower legs against his head, forcing him in deeper. Toothless growls, pushing back against her, standing his ground, though the two dragons shift about in the sand. It is the female dragon who loses this little game as her walls constrict around that tongue, her eyes roll back, her tongue rolls out, and she screams in the pained delight of a new orgasmic sensation, inhuman and indescribable. She collapses on the ground, chin on the waves, breathing slowly in and out through her nostrils and slowly letting go of the male nightfury. He’s silent for a bit, waiting for her a moment, and she speaks. “Toothless…” she groans. “I don’t know… what happened… how I… became this, but…” “Nothing,” he says, climbing atop her, leaning in, growling at her neck. “You thought to keep me as a pet before. Now, you are mine.” He says this, nipping at her shoulder with his teeth retracted, only to let them out and let her feel the puncture of their power. He saddles up before her, pressing that thick, red dragon cock up against her quivering dragon pussy. “Oh… p-please… let me have your eggs!” She doesn’t know why she said it, but she means it, pushing her hips up against him. He places a foot on her head and pushes her back down, growling against her with another nip, this time harder than before, sending a delightful pain through her. “Only when I want it!” As a newly transformed Nightfury, the female that had been Hiccup finds herself chin-deep on the sand, pinned down by the male, who breathes hot breath upon her neck. The dragon rubs his meaty cock against her, stroking along her slit, slipping up and down with little resistance. Of course, there would be little because her desires are so insurmountable that they gush from her, readying her passageway for him. She groans, slightly getting the taste of salt in her mouth, but she doesn’t care for the water. She cares about the man above her. Toothless chomps down on her neck, his gums clamping heavily upon her, and the female dragon growls, a low groan rising up from her clamped throat. So, that’s what the retractable teeth are for? If he had extended them, surely he would have ripped through her scales. But like this, he can hold her down, pin her, and get her ready for him. Were the females of his kind feisty? She thrashes underneath him, wiggling her rear, flicking her tail from side to side. Toothless throws his weight onto her, sinking his cock deep inside her. The female’s eyes roll back, and she gasps a broken croak as she finally feels what she has desired since her transformation. That meaty dragon cock was once too big for her pathetic human pussy. Now, it fits snugly within her, stretching her out just enough for her new hole to have all of its sensations tickled by that massive member. But it isn’t just the cock that delights her. It is the foot upon her head pinning her down. It is the growling on her scales reverberating through her body. It is the mouth holding her neck and keeping her from thrashing. It is the strong, muscled form keeping her from escaping. Not only has Toothless claimed her, but he has proven it in his superiority.