The days in Anteronia progress, and Purity arrives at the beach. The sun gently peaks from the shore, glowing warmly upon the waves. The stiff sea breeze tugs at her skirt, her hair fluttering. All of this is expected, but what is unexpected is the crowd of people sitting on the boardwalk, cheering and screaming out her name. She flashes a forced smile up in their direction, her heart-shaped eyes narrowing through her lids, glancing around and latching onto the man she had rescued the other day. "Oh, of course," she grumbles to herself. "Free show for all of you, isn't it?" she asks no one in particular. A splash and a gasp catch her attention. Purity whirls around, her shield materializing as she turns toward the sea. Alda stands upon her tail, grasping a trident firmly as she narrowly gazes at the magical girl and then up at the people watching above. "So," the mermaid growls. "You bring witnesses to face your downfall. This shall make my victory all the sweeter." "Not exactly what I wanted for our rematch," Purity says, gritting her teeth and glancing over her shoulder. "I'd rather this be a more intimate session." Alda snorts. "What, so that you may trick me? Don't you worry, human--I have a trick of my own." She holds her hand up in the air, and a seaweed ball is clenched in it. "With this, I shall have the power to beat you!" And with that, she opens her mouth wide, stuffing it with the seaweed ball. She chews, smacking her lips and gulping with gusto, sighing and smiling at the human before her. "What's the matter?" she asks, pointing her trident at her. "Are you afraid to come at me?" Gulping, the magical girl nods and steps slowly forward toward the mermaid. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. This is going to be embarrassing." "Ha, I would only be embarrassed if I had any regard for these land-dwelling vermin!" Alda shouts, gripping her trident, waiting as the magical girl steps forward steadily. Alda licks her lips, already feeling the effect of the magic plant from the bottomless abyss upon her body. Purity rushes forward, swinging her shield toward Alda, and Alda hops back, her trident thrust forward, deflecting off the shield, causing her to stumble around. Purity ducks into the surf, rushing to tackle the mermaid back into the sea. Suddenly, a blow to her chin sends her falling back into the sand, her face throbbing. “W… what…?” Alda steps up toward her, smirking as she presses a foot against the magical girl's chest, pointing the trident right at her throat. "Look at what you've made me do," the mermaid says, pressing against the woman's chest. "I had to grow these ugly things, replace my tail so that I could up my game against you. And what do you give me? Nothing but disappointment." "Is it disappointment you're getting from me? Or something else?" Alda frowns, tightening her grip on her weapon. "What are you prattling on about?" "About this!" says Purity, focusing on her magic. And with that call comes a blur and blinding pink light, which strikes the mermaid and everyone around her. With it, the mermaid stumbles back, rubbing at her eyes, falling as her new legs do not allow her to stand very tall, and soon, warm arms wrap around her, tackling her down to the sandy ground. The polearm is of little use with the human so close to her, and when the vision returns to Alda's eyes, she gasps in shock at what she sees. The human, usually dressed conservatively, has now removed all her garments over her body. "What in the deep blue sea are you doing!?" Alda gasps, her face a mask of blush. The people on the boardwalk blink and rub their eyes in confusion, but soon, they, too, see the sight before them. And there was much cheering from the audience. "Giving you a true Anteronian welcome," says the magical girl, a broad smile on her lips, her heart-shaped eyes beaming. Alda stares at her, a blush forming on her face as she feels the warm squish of the magical girl's body upon her own. She squirms underneath her, gritting her teeth, growling. "Get off me, you human!" she snarls. "I know you are, at least for now!" says the magical girl, sliding her arms up to the mermaid's cheeks and holding her gently. "The previous guardian of the city harmed your people. Isn't that right?" Alda's eyes tremble when she hears this. "You… you admit that you slew my brethren with no cause?" "No," says Purity, shaking her head. "I know your people weren't coming here to harm us. They were coming here to make friends. Tell me, how intimate are the people of the sea, Alda?" Alda's grip loosens, dropping her trident upon the sand. "I'm a great warrior," she says, her arms shaking. "I must avenge the ones who have fallen." "I'm not the enemy you seek. She's dead. We are not our ancestors." "But I… kidnapped your fellow land dwellers." "Are they safe?" asks the magical girl. Alda sighs, finally exhaling. "Yes… they are unharmed." "Show me." "I can't, I… I'm stuck like this for… for a bit." Purity giggles and leans in, pressing her lips to the fish girl's cheek. We should take off some steam while I finish that good old Anteronian welcome. Alda closes her eyes, tilting her neck gently. "I… you're trying to beat me with this…" she says; when she opens them, there's a fire upon them again. She wraps her newly acquired legs around Purity's waist. She rolls over, planting the magical girl on the sand and sitting up upon her. "I am still a warrior," she growls, reaching up and unclasping her armor. "All things I do, I do in conquest." Purity giggles. "Well, I'm the guardian of this city. I've taken terrible monsters before. Think you can beat me?" With a sharp grin, the fish woman pulls off her armor, letting her tits free. "Oh, I relish the opportunity." And upon the boardwalk, there is much cheering.