Billy stares in disbelief at the mess he made on the sexy and confident Cody Rey. The femboy cowboy sits there, tongue rolled out, frozen, and disheartened for what feels like a lifetime of regret and guilt, staring at that pool of pearly goo now sticking to his partner's stomach. Cody, meanwhile, lies a moment, registering the feeling of the hot substance sloughing off of his boy toy's tongue and onto him. He clasps his hand over his eyes and throws his head back, laughing, his chest shaking, the cum puddle jiggling and rolling down off him. This snaps Billy back to the real world, grabbing a sheet and dabbing at the mess he makes. "Oh, geez, oh, sorry. I fucked it up. I really did, I- ah?" Cody strokes behind Billy's head, scratching his horn. He presses him close to him, and the cowboy lets him. Soon, they are pressing nose-to-nose. "This is something I'll remember for a good long while. It's always great to have a guy who can make ya smile." He says this, and before he gives Billy the chance to respond, he kisses his cowboy. Billy freezes up and drops the sheet. The heat of the moment rushes to his cheeks and between his legs. After all, this gentleman is kissing him and kissing him after having sucked his cock! The cowboy's tail swishes side to side as he connects with the kiss, slipping his large, bovine tongue over the coyote's mouth, feeling over the rough ridges, the warmth of the muscle, and the sharpness of his teeth. He shudders, wrapping his arms around Cody's body and pulling himself close, pressing them together. Cody huffs in the delight of feeling the warmth of the cowboy against his own form. He strokes over the cowboy's back, chuckling and pulling his mouth free, giving Billy one last lick. "Hey, aren't you forgetting that mess you made?" "I uh… well, ah!" Upon noticing the rest of his body, from the warmth and firmness of their chests pressing together to the sticky lubrication of Cody's cum at their tummies, he feels downward, noticing the stiff shaft that pokes against his own length. He licks his lips and flutters his eyes. "Nah, I think it's fine to get messy occasionally." "That's a good boy. I love it when you can be confident," Cody says, slipping his hand between their legs. HE wraps his fingers around their shafts, making sure they are nice and lined up together. "Of course, you want to have fun too, don't you?" Billy whines, pushing his hips forward, rocking his cock against Cody's palm and penis. He nods, huffing and panting, "Ooh yeah, Daddy Rey. I want to feel your cock buried deep in me more now than ever. Why do you keep teasing me? Why are we always doing other things?" "Because you love to do it, cowboy," Rey says, kissing him on the cheek. "And we have all the time in the day, don't we? "Mmm hmmm!" Billy whines, picking up the pace in which he ruts, rubbing the lubricated cock with his own, pre oozing out and adding more to the whole situation. "And we can do all sorts of things aside from just pounding your ass," “T… that’s right, but… but…” "Hm…?" "I want you in me, Daddy Rey!" "I know you do, but the whining is too cute." He says, and soon he slips away from him, slipping out of the bed. Billy falls to the mattress and whirls around to watch Cody standing and stretching out of the bed. "D… daddy?" Cody looks over his shoulder and chuckles. "What, cowboy? You'll get all the breeding you'll ever want from me, but you gotta learn to be patient." He says, flopping onto the bed again, stretched out, and looking over to his boy toy. He pets over the cow's tail, sighing dreamily. "I'm not a young un anymore," he says. It'll take a minute for me to get fully recharged and ready to go, both in my cock and otherwise." Billy shifts to lay beside him, a frown painted across his face as he nuzzles against him. "Aw, Daddy Rey, you're awesome though. You can fuck me however you want, whenever you want." "Whenever sure," he says, draping an arm over the cowboy. "But not, however. Boy, when I was your age," he whistles. "I could bend in so many fantastic ways, you wouldn't believe. I was quite acrobatic, and it was WONDERFUL." He strokes over the heart-shaped spot over Billy's chest, chuckling. "You're built to be the best damn cowboy I ever saw, and you'd be wasting your talents if you stuck to just hanging out with this old coyote." Billy strokes Cody's chest, nuzzling against him. "I know you have to have other people yourself, Daddy Rey, but can I? Am I really that good?" "You're fucking amazing, and in a little bit, I'll be back up to speed and ready to cum all inside you; just wait. I finished all that yard work and shit and came. Let me… take a rest." He closes his eyes, cuddled up to his cowboy, but not too tightly. This allows Billy to slip away after Cody drifts off and rubs his horns, thinking deeply about his choices and that raging boner between his legs. That's when he hears a buzzing coming from the ground. The discarded pants that Cody kicked off reveal his cell phone. Billy glances over his shoulder to see the sleeping coyote but slips off the bed and sits crossed-legged before the telephone. Curiously, he picks it up and looks at the message. The phone number… is his Dad's! But the message that came with it made the cowboy drop the phone, squeaking and clasping his mouth to keep himself from shouting too loud. "Kids are out. You wanna come over for a ride?"