Purity lies on the wet sand, the warm waves lapping up around her naked body. Her heart thumps quickly as she watches the transformed mermaid straddling her, similarly unclothed and smiling down at her. "So," the magical girl asks in a breathy voice, "is the great Alda ready to settle this generation-long grudge?" "I've always been ready," Alda says, hands grasping Purity's, pinning her down, her kelp-like soaked hair hanging down and draping over Purity's shoulders, drizzling sea water over her skin. Through a sharp-toothed grin, the mermaid continues. "No matter what form the challenge takes, I'm ready." "Funny," Purity says, her heart eyes fluttering, "This doesn't feel like you're settling anything. Feels like you're having fun." The fish woman frowns at this, a blush forming on her face. "S-shut up!" She gasps. "Gladly," responds Purity, who pushes herself up, her lips smashing against Alda's. Feeling the connection, Alda presses her body flat against the human, their breasts squishing together, nipples rubbing and dancing as their mouths collide. With her newly-formed legs, the mermaid hooks onto the magical girl, keeping them together as she parts her lips, letting her tongue slide out, beckoning her partner to part her own and let her in. When Purity opens her mouth, she unleashes the floodgates, allowing that trailing tentacle of a tongue to delve into her, swirling in a tempest of temptation. Purity writhes and grinds against Alda, her panting huffs and her sighs rising from her throat, even as the tongue finds its way, pushing past her mouth and deeper into her depths. Meanwhile, the people of Anteronia watch the spectacle happening before them, cheering from the crowd as they witness the bonding of land and sea before them. And among the watchers is Old Saltsea, who trembles at the sight, the old man's paws gripped tightly to the railing. "What's the matter, old man? Don't like a little girl-on-girl action?" nudges one of the onlookers. "It's not that," says the old cat. "It's just all the years wasted not realizing that these people under the sea are people, just like you and me, with their wants, needs, and the genuine and honest desire to make connections.” Alda sits up, pulling her tongue out of Purity and rearing back immediately, taking in a deep, hearty breath of fresh air. "Aaah… fuck, that feels good…" she says, snickering down to her partner. "How's that, huh?" Purity coughs, clearing her throat. "You think that's the thickest tongue that's been down in me? You gotta be more original than that." Alda shakes her head, webbed hands running down Purity's sides. She scoots back, pausing, a soft gasp rising from her. "O… oh.." "Feel something you like?" the magical girl asks. "I think so," gurgles the mermaid. She presses herself up against Purity. With her legs now separate appendages instead of a single long tail, her womanhood can press against the soft skin of her partner, squishing the mound of delight between her legs against Purity's stomach and lower. And when she does get lower, and their lips rub and catch and slick over one another, that's when Alda's gasp returns, adding to it a quivering sighing moan. "Ah… I-I think you found something… a pearl… perhaps?" Alda bites her lips and reaches down, grasping the magical girl by the leg, lifting her thigh up, and holding it against her chest. "Yeah, I think I did," she says. With the leg up against her, she scoots across Purity's thigh, slipping her sex against Purity's, letting them press and kiss and grind. "By the seas…" she gasps. "What is this… fucking brilliance…?" Purity closes her eyes, pushing her hips forward, grinding in tandem with her partner. "Mmmgh… n-never jousted clams b-before?" Alda pauses for a moment, blinking and then shaking her head. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but it sounds like a dumb pun!" She thrusts forward, and at the same time, she grazes her sharp teeth over the magical girl's leg. "Do I have to bite you to quiet your tongue?" “Ha… n… no…” Purity says, biting her own lip and rubbing against Alda. J-just keep it up… feels good." "Oh, I will…" says Alda, nodding and kissing Purity's calf. "But not because you like it. Because it really does feel good!" As the two continue to rub and grind against one another, Alda's belly burns with delight and anticipation. Her whole form, from the tips of her fingers down to her newly-formed toes, shudders with the electric delight. She tightens her grip upon her partner's leg, pushing further and harder against Purity's body. Their most sensitive nethers clash and smash and send those jolts throughout her. She rolls her eyes back, her panting breaths getting higher and higher with each thrust, her claws digging against the magical girl's skin as she finds herself closer, closer, closer…! "Aaaaaaah!" Alda lets go, falling back against the ground, holding tightly to Purity by her legs, not wanting to let go but rocked by the explosive climax, the excitement, the collaboration. All of it makes her wonder and realize and bask. But most importantly, in her mind, she begins to question. But there's not a lot of time for that, for the crowd's cheering makes way to the shouts of surprise and dismay. The people rush and disappear from the boardwalk as uniformed guards arrive, each wielding mancatchers and adorned in ways to cover their eyes, ears, or mouths. Purity pushes herself up, catching her breath and turning towards the boardwalk. "We got to get out of here," she pants. "Before we're caught." Grasping onto Purity's arm, Alda says. "There's only one place for us to go." And before the magical girl can say anything else, she finds herself whisked away, splashing into the water, with no room left to breathe.