The coyote growls in a low, sensual growl as his tongue presses deep into the hole of his delightful cowboy. He swishes up and down, his maw clamping against his hide, tongue curling up and playing at the walls, up and down and side to side, eating him out. The coyote holds his eyes closed, dedicated he is, softly growling as he continues to swish and taste that delightful bull bussy. The cowboy, meanwhile, falls to his elbows, gritting his teeth and blushing deeply, his tail swishing back and forth, hitting his dom on the head. Soft and long "mooo"s rise up from between his lips, his cock twitching and drizzling off onto the bed. He can't control himself when Daddy Rey is so dedicated to eating out his ass. How can he keep any composure? Especially when Cody pulls his tongue out with a long and loud "Slurp!" and then smacks his lips. "Oh yeah, boy, you really are a treat," the coyote growls. He climbs up on top of the cowboy, leaning over him, pressing his body against Billy's, gripping his horn with one hand. "So, you did an outstanding job cleaning your hole for me. It tasted divine down there. Not one note of anything foul at all. Who would have thought you'd become such a dedicated little butt slut?" "Y… yes, D-daddy Rey," the cowboy moos back, pushing his hips against the canid above him. "I d-did it for you!" "And you'll be rewarded," he says, lifting the cowboy's head. He reaches around, his hand resting upon the young bull's tummy, stroking his paw up and down along it. "What is it you really wanted from me, hm? I wanna hear you say it before I do the deed." The cowboy's face buries into a pillow, muffling out some words. Cody tugs on his horn, lifting him up again. "Oh no, you don't. Don't you play hard to get with me? Tell me what it is you want, that you need!" "I want you… I want you to breed me!" Cody blinks and coughs and then lets go, rolling onto his butt, laughing like a madman. "W… what?" Billy picks himself up, sitting on his knees, hopping to turn over toward Cody. "Did I say something wrong? "Boy, you really or a riot, aren't you? What are these kids saying nowadays, huh? Breed you?" He leans in, stroking a hand under the cowboy's chin. "Do you know how often I've had close calls with girls when I was younger? What do you think it means, really, to be bred?" Billy blushes deeply, rubbing his arm. "I thought it sounded sexy." "Oh, it does," the coyote says, pressing his nose against Billy's. "It sounds sexy, but it also sounds butt-fuckin' ridiculous!" Billy puffs his cheeks, his tail whipping against the edge of the bed. "But Daddy Rey, it's what I want. It's what I really, really want?" "Tell ya what…" Cody says, sitting back, shifting around a bit, with so much nonchalance, he pulls his pants down, lifting his legs, and kicking the garments off the side of the bed. Underneath now, he's nude, his cock red and ready. "Why don't you tell me what you would do, huh? If you were a gal, and a guy creampied deep into ya, huh?" "What?" "Better yet, tell me what you'd do if you'd fuck a gal and came inside her." "D… daddy Rey, I'm…" "What are ya?" Cody asks, wrapping his fingers around his shaft. "Gay or something?" Billy blushes deeper than ever. "I… I don't know." "Never been with a girl?" Cody asks. "Just watch me, and you'll know all the moves." "I wanna know all the moves," Billy asks, trying to look down, but his eyes flash over towards that cock every so often. "Is that so?" he asks. Well, you gotta know the moves, too, if you want to be like me. So, what's the goal, then?" he asks, slowly stroking up and down. "G-goal…?" "Yeah, you know. Do you want to be like me when you're older? Or do you want to settle down and be someone's boy wife?" "Ah… well…" Billy responds, reaching out. "Go ahead… you can enjoy it." Billy licks his lips, wrapping his hoof-tipped fingers around that shaft. Cody lifts his hand free from his cock and runs it over Billy's head, and then grips his horn, pulling him in close. "Better get going, cutie," he growls. "Cause my cock can't go in dry if you want me to breed ya!" With a happy "moo," Billy descends, rolling out his large tongue and pressing it against the base of that shaft. He licks slowly, watching Cody's expression with each inch he passes. He then flicks at the tip, resulting in a grunt from the coyote. "Is that… all you got?" Billy wraps his mouth around that pole and pounds his face down against it, making the coyote lean in on him as he pumps that shaft with the gust of a hungry, hungry heifer. "F… fuck, Bi-Billy," the Coyote grunts, grabbing onto his other horn. "Y… you don't want to, guh… m-make me explode, fffff, just yet, r-right!" Despite his protests, Cody doesn't let go. He rides that wave of the bucking bull, growling, groaning, thrashing about as Billy takes the reigns. And before he could even control the situation, he feels himself going over the edge, "FU… uufuuuuuuuck!" He growls, shooting off into Billy's mouth. Ropes and ropes of cum fill the boy's throat before the coyote falls down and sighs. "Fuck…" Billy smiles and crawls up to Cody, his cheeks puffed. He then opens his mouth to roll out his tongue and show off all his excellent work. Only he dumps that entire load right onto Cody's stomach!