There is nothing like the bustling of a morning rush at Baker's. The cafe across the street from scenic Statue Park is always a hotbed of activity and gossip, especially on a weekend morning. Even while the workers there take orders and fill coffees and bake pies, they have the chance to gossip, and gossip knows no bounds recently. "There's old man Saltsea," purrs Adrian, the black cat handing a black coffee to one of the regulars. "Something's been biting the sailor lately, I can tell." Libi takes the change from her customer, the human woman perking up to glance at the old feline sitting on his own, a coffee in one hand, attention buried deep into the newspaper. "How can you tell?" "Please," chuckles the kitty boy. "I've been trying to figure that one out for a while. Sometimes, a pussy cat's gotta have a bit of the barbs in him, and those sailor types were always up for femboys." "That doesn't answer my question," Libi continues, turning and thanking the next customer. "Oh, he's been sullen since the weird stuff happening at the docks and beaches the other day." Libi quirks an eyebrow. "What sort of stuff?" "Strange and sexy stuff," he says, winking. "But nothing I'm interested in. I'm not exactly a fish kinda guy." Once the rush dies down, Libi approaches the corner table with a small croissant on a plate. She places it down before Old Man Seawater, letting it clink against the tabletop. The feline sailor lowers his newspaper. His fur is scraggly and gray. He glances at the pastry and then up at the woman who left it for him. "I didn't order this," he grumbles. "You're reading about the disappearances," Libi says. "I want to know about them." He briefly regards Libi, his eyes widening as he stumbles to his feet. "As I live and breathe—it can't be… Chastity?" Libi pulls out a chair and plops right down into it, leaning in. "Chastity…?" She breathes in through her nose and shakes her head. "No, I'm not her. But, you're familiar with the old protector of the city?" "Let me tell you a tale," the old man says, nodding. "Then, you'll know… — The young man walks along the boardwalk on the shore. The gentle lap of waves, the bustling of the city's nightlife, and the smell of salt and fried foods mix the whole affair. He carries with him a bag slung over his shoulder and makes his way with purpose towards the beach. But he isn't the only one on the beach. As he makes his way down to the sand, taking the same trip he has taken many times before, a figure leans up against a pillar, arms folded over her chest. "Off to your secret rendezvous point?" asks Purity, the Magical girl protector of Anteronia. The man grips his pack, taking a step back. "You're the young man who was taken by the mermaid the other day," she says, standing up. "The one whose girlfriend is still missing." "What do you want?" he grunts. "I want to help you rescue her." "And how exactly do you plan to help out?" "I will find out once you tell me what happened when you washed up on the beach." "That… agah!" Purity spins around, raising her magical shield in front of the young man. She deflects the incoming jet of water, splashing off her shield, but hitting with such impact as to send her back a bit on the sand. A figure stands at the beach, her fish-like body silhouetted by the moon. The figure's upper half is that of a humanoid woman but scaled, and her form is both thick and strong, muscled and insulated. She wears armor of bright colors, shining like a pearl. When she scowls at the magical girl, she reveals sharp teeth, trap-shut together. In her grasp is a coral-laced trident, sharp and angry. Purity slowly stands, her shield still up. "So, are you the one who's been kidnapping people, taking their purity?" The mermaid warrior lifts her arm, pointing her trident at the magical girl. "They're treated better than what you did to us all those years ago, champion of the land-dwellers. Now, I shall conquer you and these lands in the name of my people!" Purity smirks slightly. "Sorry, lady, but I don't think you'll be conquering much on that tail of yours.” The warrior narrows her gaze. "We shall see about that, Pink Champion. I am Alda, protector of my people." "I'm Purity, nice to meet you." "You won't get the woman back, nor anyone else, unless you can defeat me." “Well, I'm glad we can be so straightforward." "When I conquer you," Alda says, grasping the trident in both hands, "I shall claim this city as my own!" "Well, it doesn't quite work like tha-aaah!" Alda bends her tail and springs forward, leaving a crater of sand in her wake as she launches ahead. She spins around, slapping her tail downward at Purity. At the last moment, the magical girl holds her shield up, taking the blow, but sand shoots up around her in a heart-shaped ring. "Holy fuck!" she yelps. "You're strong!" "I've been training all my life for this confrontation, human!" "Then… I hope I don't disappoint!"