Billy Kine stares deeply into the eyes of his coyote boyfriend, a secret lover he's had for a while. He presses his hands against the fluffy chest of the older Cody Rey, moaning in his desire. "Please, Daddy Rey," he mewls, "Take me now." "Oh, but I have a choice to savor you as much as I want," the coyote says, pulling away from his femboy cowboy and sitting on his knees on his mattress. Billy is on his hands and knees himself, crawling up to the coyote and to that package he so desperately waits for. Still, the older male crawls around behind him, giving him a gentle tap on the ass. "Not so fast, cowboy," growls the coyote. "Before we can get a good fuck, I need to make sure you did everything as I specified." Billy whines as Cody's hands rub over his nice large ass, thumbs getting close to that plug, gently buzzing still inside him. "Such a shapely ass. You were never going to be a normal dude with an ass like this," the coyote teases. "Must have gotten this from your momma, or hell, maybe your old man's secretly an old twink himself?" "D… don't tease me like that," the cowboy says. "My parents are home." "Yeah, and neither of them knows you're letting the neighbor fuck you. If that ain't sexy, I don't know what is." "W… what are you going to do?" Billy asks, looking over his shoulder. "It's easy," the coyote says. "I'm seeing if you kept up your end of the bargain… seeing if you're eating right… if you're cleaning right. Only once I’m satisfied will I fuck you." "Y-you didn't say I needed to do anything special!" the cowboy whines. "I know. You're supposed to be ready for me whenever I call," the coyote responds, pinching the flared base of the device. Slowly, he pulls, lowering his face closer to that delightful rump. As he pulls, the first of the beads on the device pops out, buzzing and twirling. "Magnificent," Cody growls. "Imagine if they had something like this when I was your age," he whistles, pulling some more, letting the second bead slip out from the tight hole." Billy raises his head, that last bit inside him spinning around, tickling at his entrance. He grips the sheets and fights to not move his hips so much, but it doesn't matter, as soon the last of the device pops out of him, leaving his hole open and puckering and gasping. "Nice and pink. Damn boy," the coyote says, giving that ass another firm slap. He looms over the cowboy and places his fingers over Billy's mouth. "Be a good boy and lube Daddy Rey up." Billy wraps his lips around the fingers, his large tongue lashing back and forth and up and down over those digits. "That's my boy," the coyote growls, pulling his fingers out with a pop. He then delivers the glistening things downward, index and ring finger pressed to either cheek while the middle finger presses against that hole. He rolls it over that entrance, slipping it up and down and back and forth. “Aa… ah…” "Good already? How about this?" He responds, curling that finger in, pushing it inside, letting that furry thing slip into the boy hole and wriggle about. "Now, this better be clear, or you'll be punished." He says. But he knows already from looking at the device that's left buzzing on the bed. It's the tease that causes Billy's bum to contract around him that urges him to be so coy. He snickers as he leans over the cowboy and whispers to his ear. "So fuckin' tight already around the finger. Gods, I can only imagine what it would feel like with you milkin' my cock." "W… why imagine, Daddy Rey?" Billy asks, his head down, hair falling over his eyes. "My, my, aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" Cody says, swirling his finger around inside the cowboy's boypussy. His finger delves deeper, curling inward, pressing against his button. "Aagah!?" "See, there's much to be done with what I have right here," Cody says, leaning in, letting his chest rest against Billy's back, hand stroking now at that long tail of his. "Just sit back and enjoy. It's been a long week. You deserve to be pampered for the time being." The cowboy groans, his breath a soft groan as he takes the stroking of the finger over his p-spot. It sends tingles up all over his body, making him so warm, making his tail wrap around his lover, making his ears flicker when those words tickle at his mind. "What did I do to deserve a cutie like you?" Cody asks, nuzzling against the femboy's neck and rubbing his chest against the cowboy's back. Such fur to hide contact sends shocks of delight to the pleasure centers of the coyote's mind. This praise does so well to activate both of them, to urge them both on. After all, that cow's cock, twitches, drooling with want from all the playing that Cody does with him. But it's enough of that kind of play. Cody pulls his finger from the hole with a gentle pop, wiping off the slickness. "Well, well, well,' Cody teases, sliding down to look over the work. "Not a stain in sight. Aren't you the diligent bottom? I thought you said you didn't do anything special today?" "I… I didn't. It's my routine… my diet, my cleaning." "Damn, you are ready to take this, ain't ya?" Cody asks, licking his lips. "Yes, so please, can't you fuck me?" "Sorry, buddy," Cody says, leaning in, spreading those cheeks out, letting that pink little puckered hole be right in front of his face. "I have to take care of something first. Remember when I said you looked good enough to eat?" The cowboy's eyes widen, and he lets out a loud and surprised "Mmooo!" when the next feeling hits his hole, warm and wriggling, it makes him blush all so deeply.