Suburban life had become boring for the Kine family. The spark that had ignited the love between Bertha and Bob had become a tiny flicker, and the goings-on of their college-attending children had gone into constant routine and doldrums. But that was until the arrival of their new neighbor, a grizzled former twink of a coyote riding in on a shining motorcycle with gray streaks in his fur, showing off his experience and mystique. Since his arrival, the married couple's life has become much happier, and the coyote has become almost as if he were family. However, this proves a problem for one member of the Kine family. Billy Kine, the family’s thin and short son, heads out in a sleeveless top and shorts. There's a bounce in his step as he clops along the pavement, whistling away. "Someone seems to be having a happy day, eh?" the coyote's gruff but charming voice says. Cody stops his lawnmower and leans his elbow upon it, a smirk over his muzzle. Billy stops, a slight blush growing upon the younger bull's cheeks. He grips the strap of his backpack, his large, sparkling eyes catching the topless coyote, drinking in the toned form underneath the fur. "Is it a special occasion?" asks the neighbor. "It is! Mr. Kine!" Billy responds, tapping from one hoof to the other. "My package arrived today." "Did it now?" Cody says, stroking his chin. "And where did you think you were going with that backpack, hm? Did you think you could walk past me without showing that package off?" Billy's tail swishes back and forth, turning fully to meet the neighbor, biting his lip. "Well, I-I just wanted you to…" "You wanted me to invite you over?" the coyote asks, standing tall and looming over Billy. Billy nods, biting his lip. "Then, by all means, come on in. I'd love to see your package." The coyote pushes his mower back to his backyard, allowing Billy to watch his shoulders move the machinery. Billy gulps but soon follows him into the grass, glancing carefully towards his house. No one else should be looking out the window right now. If they saw him, they would ask so many questions—questions he was only comfortable with Mr. Rey answering. The coyote continues his nonchalant ritual of putting away his tools and heading into his house, saying nothing to the curious bull who follows him until he unlocks the back door and slides it open, looking over his shoulder toward Billy. "Ready to come in, cowboy?" "Y-yes, sir!" Billy squeaks, scurrying on into the house. Cody snickers, enjoying the bounce of his butt as he passes by. "Always so eager to play your role," Cody adds, closing the door behind him. "So, then, let's hear it." He pulls his phone from his pocket, and with a quick swipe, a buzzing sound suddenly fills the quiet room. Billy gasps, arching his back as Cody approaches him. "That's a good boy. In like you promised." He pulls the curtains over the glass door, leaving the two in the darkness of the air-conditioned room. "Y… yeah… e-everything is, wuh-working!" Billy whines nervously, gripping the straps of his backpack tightly. "And I notice that's some light makeup you have on there. Subtle but effective. It makes your spots pop, my little cowboy cutie." Cody growls, stepping up behind him. "J… just like you said it would." Billy replies." "Hey, I did my time when I was your age," the coyote admits. It's sad to say that most of us will have to face twink death one way or another, but some of us graduate quite well, don't you think?" He slides the intensity up on the device. Billy staggers, dropping his bookbag and turning toward the coyote, reaching out, puckering his lips. Cody presses a finger to the wanting mouth of the younger male. "Nuh-uh," he chastises him, then points to Billy's bag. "That your outfit?" The cowboy nods, bringing his hands up to his cheeks. "Go put it on. I'll see you in the bedroom." Cody walks past him, tail swishing and slapping the bull at the rump, leaving the buzzing butt of the cowboy to make him whimper and quiver as the coyote disappears behind the door, turning the device off himself. Billy hops to it, getting on his knees and pulling out the materials he brought with him, his heart racing and the blood pumping down between his legs, all while thinking that no one knows that he's secretly been fucked by the neighbor. Cody flops onto his bed, stretching out and nodding, scratching his stomach and checking his messages, smirking as he sees the invites from both Bob and Bertha for other nights and days of debauched fornication. Little did Billy know that he wasn't the first of the Kines to engage with the coyote, making juggling the relationships all the more exciting. Oh, and his favorite vtuber posted an update, saying something new was on the horizon. A knock on the door breaks his thoughts, and the coyote scoots to sit by the headboard, licking his teeth. "Come on in, my slutty little cow. In steps Billy, his state of dress closer to a state of undress. He wears long sleeves that go up to one finger, attached by a ring. His socks head down from his thighs to his hooves, held up by garters, and his panties—well, they hardly cover anything at all, leaving his tail and his booty free. That dangling, semihard cock throbbing as he stands before the predator. "Is this good, Daddy Rey?" The coyote curls his finger closer, a growl rising from his throat. "My cowboy," he snickers, "you look good enough to eat."