The breezy night air brushes against the uncovered portions of Camillia’s skin, but the warmth of her mistress’s grasp upon her hand, fingers laced together as they run through the streets, keeps her going. Aside from the towel around her body, the only clothing the apprentice magician has are the shoes that clop along the street's cobbles. It is late at night, but there are still those in the nightlife who stop and see the two streaking past, a dominatrix in full hooded and tight gear leading her servant and lover through the moonlit streets without a care in the world. They stop a block away from the bathhouse, and the kitsune yanks her human into an alleyway between two shops, where even the light of the moon has no sway over the two of them. Camillia clenches the towel close to her, sticking close to the brilliant white fur that reflects the scant beams of light that make their way into this alleyway. “Mistress,” she breathes out. “We aren’t going back to the chamber? I have so much to show you, and I, ah!” A fingertip presses itself to her lip, and the kitsune woman leans in, hot breath escaping from her sharp-toothed mouth. “Flower.” The word and its sheer intention and desire pierces right through Camillia’s heart and warms her up all the way down to her toes. She stumbles back against that alley wall, but a swift paw upon the small of her back keeps her from touching rough brick against her smooth skin. “M… Mistress,” Camillia coos with a fluttering eye, her gaze relaxing, half-lidded. Her posture melts into the hold of the kitsune. With a magical flourish of her free hand, Jun produces a cube that rests upon the palm of her hand. “This is the chamber we shall use this time. Activate it.” Camillia’s breath is broken, but the spell upon her is not. She grasps the thing in both hands, allowing the towel to slide slightly down off her form, exposing her cleavage to the hungry fox before her. The human brings the box up close to her lips and whispers in a sweet, seductive tone into it. Magical marks upon the device glow and the device warms up to her touch, but she lets it roll down off of her fingertips and onto the ground. The two watch, Jun taking a deep breath while Camillia bites her lip, watching as the box finally settles down. The image on the face that looks upward glows and swirls, and a seem opens just underneath, cracking the box open. From the box issues forth a glowing marble door, and with a wave of her hand, Jun opens the door, revealing the dimly lit chamber beyond. “The honeymoon suite,” Jun says, flashing a smirk towards Jun. “Is that how you see us?” Camillia gulps, grasping her towel and hitching it back over her chest. “That’s fine,” the kitsune says, stepping into the doorway and through the other side. She holds a hand out, palm upward, her other hand behind her back. “But, the price of admission for this suite is simple.” “Y… yes?” “Disrobe.” Camillia tenses up. “H… here!?” Jun’s smile spreads almost imperceptibly. Camillia looks over her shoulder towards the city street. Carriages and carts pass by every so often, carrying goods and people. She trembles as her fingers hitch on the top of the towel, and she closes her eyes, her fingers and arms trembling. “I’ve been waiting to see my flower,” the kitsune says. Camillia’s eyes open wide as warmth travels down her ears and fingers. She practically tears the towel away, dropping it onto the ground, chest out and head held high as she steps into the portal. “I’m coming for you, mistress!” she says, disappearing into the doorway. Meanwhile, across the street, a delivery person blinks, shakes their head, and chuckles, continuing their route with a new spring in their step. Inside the chamber, Camellia’s night-chilled skin shivers with the ambient breeze of the delightful room. Though she enters with eyes closed and arms wide, she lets the feeling wash over her as the doorway closes behind. Her toes tap in those shoes she wears, and she then kicks her heels off of one of them, only stopping at the slight pressure that interrupts her, pressing against the tiny red splotches where sharp kobold teeth had pushed. “What did she do to you?” Jun asks. Camillia opens her eyes, blushing, seeing that look on her mistress’s face. Those intense eyes scan the marks, and the kitsune even squats down to be eye-level with the human’s side, fingers tracing each indentation. “Ah, I’m sorry, mistress,” the mage says, rubbing her arm. “She surprised me in the bath, and well, Tik Tik has been trying to get to you through me.” “Has she?” Jun says, biting her lip. She presses her snout up against the human, her nose and mouth rubbing against that soft side. “Aa… m… mistress what? Ah…” Camillia leans back against the wall, her hands curling against the soft swirling wallpaper. The kitsune opens her mouth, letting hot air brush against the woman’s delicate human skin. She drags that breath along from one side to the other, where she opens her mouth, fingers digging into Camillia’s sides. Camellia’s toes curl against her shoes, and the woman gulps, tilting her head back, closing her eyes, her breath coming out in a stuttering moan. “P… please,” she huffs out. “I… I’m sorry I made you wait for so long. I… It is my fault that I let that… that kobold get the better of me.” Jun growls, standing back up, letting her teeth drag just gently along her submissive’s skin for a slight moment before she looks her eye-to-eye. “Flower,” she says in that commanding voice.