The crowd chants and cheers as the ring is reset and the announcements are made for the next match. Up in the VIP box, Rouge the Bat stands up, straightening up her dress. Clutch quirks an eyebrow, pushing himself up to follow suit. “We aren’t going to watch the next match?” “Oh,” Rouge says, fluttering her eyes, glancing in a half-lidded gaze toward the arena. “It’s another dime-a-dozen match to whet the appetite before something else interesting. I assure you that we have more important things to view and discuss.” “Before we do,” Breezie says. “I want to know a few things. How did you get such big-name fighters so easily, and how this whole thing,” she motions around her, “isn’t immediately investigated or shut down by the authorities.” Rouge smirks, turning and ushering the two back to her transport. “Let’s discuss that on our way.” — The Mobotropolis Museum displays a replica of the Master Emerald, shining a brilliant green even when the exhibit was closed. But, just because no one is allowed within doesn’t mean that Rouge the Bat won’t have her fun. The thief drops into the room from the ceiling; she slows her descent with her wings and lands gracefully on the floor. She steps up to the display, reaching a gloved hand towards the crowning jewel. As she does, the floor in front of her distorts and rises. Digital sparks and markings appear around it as the nanites form into a familiar Holo-Lynx. “You’re slipping up, Rouge. Returning to your old ways?” Nicole asks. Rouge shrugs. “Oh, you caught me. I guess I won’t get what I came here for.” “This was too easy,” Nicole says, furrowing her brow. “You wanted to talk to me about something.” Rouge flutters her eyes, “I’m sure you know exactly what that is about. After all, nothing happens in Mobotropolis without your knowing.” “I turned off most of my surveillance years ago. I haven’t spied on everyone since the Naugus reign.” “And yet, you know exactly what I want to talk to you about,” Rouge says, stepping up, almost touching Nicole chest-to-chest. “That’s because you still monitor some things, or should I say a certain someone.” Nicole frowns. “What do you want?” “Just a few assurances,” Rouge says, reaching into her glove and pulling from it a small drive, and she tosses it to Nicole. The lynx catches it, nanites and holographic systems latching onto its motherboard. She frowns deeper. “I have to wonder who that other woman is,” Rouge says, hands on her hips. “It would be a terrible scandal if the world found out that Princess Sally Acorn was a secret sadomasochist who regularly participates in bloody fights with some civilian. This doesn’t have to be released if you provide me with the necessary tools and surveillance.” Nicole hands the device back to Rouge. “What do you have in mind?” “First, I’m going to need a few private locations. Then, I’m going to need network infrastructure, and finally… I’m going to need to find fighters.” “I’ll… get right on it.” Rouge pats Nicole on the cheek. The lynx starts but lets the bat proceed. “Good girl,” Rouge says. “This will benefit all of us, I’m sure.” — Amy Rose strikes at the punching bag, perfecting her form and working up quite the sweat. The background noise of the gym and the decades-old music get her in the zone as she strikes true repeatedly. “Wow, you’re excellent!” Amy stops the bag from swinging, picks up her water, chugs it, and turns towards the newcomer. Her eyes widen, and she yanks the water from her mouth, letting some of it onto her chest. “Hey, Tangle! Long time no see!” Tangle chuckles, rubbing her nose with her tail. “A friend said you were someone to come to when it came to boxing. I… I wanna learn!” On the other end of the gym, where there are tables for people to rest and relax, Rouge sits opposite Whisper the Wolf. The bat leans back with her arms draped over the back of the chair. “And it’s as simple as that,” Rouge says, nodding over towards the two women speaking to each other. “I’m glad you decided to up your sabotage and espionage game for my little project.” “It’s… the only way,” Whisper says, gripping onto the edge of the table, her clawed gloves scratching it. Rouge shrugs. “We all have our issues to work out, and I’m glad I could find a way to help you through yours. So, once the two of them are buddy-buddy enough, you tell them about the place, and I’ll be sure to set you up with the scenario of your dreams.” “Right… my dreams,” Whisper whispers. “Maybe nightmares.” —— Speeding down the abandoned military transit system, Rouge speaks to her companions. “It’s all a matter of knowing the right people,” the bat says. “I’ve hob-knobbed with so many famous and powerful individuals that all I had to do was call in a few favors here and there. Of course, none of them are as financially influential as you both.” “Makes enough sense to me,” Clutch says. “So long as you got higher-ups in on this, we’re free to do what we please, right?” Breezie rolls her eyes. “But it’s not like we have massive name stars here, right? Amy Rose? She was a big shot years ago but is a washed-up celebrity. Where’s the evergreen star power?” The vehicle stops, the doorway to their next destination opens, and they find themselves in a rustic-looking wooden foyer. “Oh, you’ll see some evergreen soon, I’m sure. Or, should I say, ‘ever-blue’?”