In his firm grip, Tik Tik can't help but shudder. It is, after all, the only movement that she can make. In fact, she's so wound up, her fingers are clasped together, unable to make any of the motions necessary to perform a spell. Her heart beats quickly, her eyes darting around, whimpering rising up from her throat. She soon calms, squeezing her hands that are stuck together and letting go, falling back, relaxing into his hold. "That's it," Radasus says, petting over her head, between her horns. "You can feel it now, right? How you have no control? Some may find that terrible, and I can never understand that. Think about it, Tik Tik. Do we really ever have control in our life? You fought so hard to get people to do what you wanted. When was the best time for you? When you just sat back and went with the flow of things." "That's what I like about being bound. When someone is there to pull you out, and your body is completely shut off from the world, you have nothing to worry about. You have no responsibilities, and you can't escape, and you'll never want to." Radasus lifts her up, walks over to the bed, places her down, and snuggles up. "You feel that? You didn't realize that you had the weight of the world on you, did you? Now, you notice it's all gone, and it’s just soft and comfortable and wonderful." Tik Tik sighs. It's true. All she cares about right now is squirming around and snuggling up. She pushes against the warmth behind her, curling her toes and fingers as much as she can. The lady enjoys the sensation as yet another layer wraps around her—probably the bedsheet. This feeling—it isn't like any sex she's had before. Radasus has indeed given some excellent sex, but this is different. It's therapeutic. It’s delightful. It's simply fantastic. And it keeps going as his hands explore over her body, his muzzle nestling at her shoulder and neck. She wants to turn her head away and tilt her neck to give him more access, but she can't. She has to rely on him to do it. She has to wait for him to loosen the sheet in one place and tighten it in another, moving her to the position he desires. She doesn't have to think about how best to please him. He's doing everything and making all of the decisions. That's it… that's the beauty of all of this. All she really can do is have a quiet moan escape from her lips, muffled, but with the intention there. Little kisses press upon the sheet over her body as paws and fingers tickle down along the sheet. Radasus lets the fabric play at her scales from her thighs to her most sensitive area. Tik Tik groans, trying to rock. All she can do is shake and shudder as he plays down there with her, holding her close, breathing hot and heavy and dominant breaths at her, all the while being so tender and loving all at the same time. Tik Tik cannot help herself. It's just much more comfortable than anything she's experienced before. The intimacy of it all overwhelms her. She finds herself falling back and back and back until she finally disappears into herself, letting the darkness and the oblivion consume her. — When she awakens, she squirms, still in the darkness, unsure where she is. For a fleeting moment, terror grips her, but she remembers everything, and she remembers Radasus. Whimpering to let him know she's awake, she can feel his squeezing grasp all around her. She immediately calms down, finding herself falling back into the delight of his ministrations. "Good morning, Mistress Tik Tik," the doggy kobold growls. "I hope you've enjoyed your time without the cares of the world. Do you want to get out of the sheets now and continue your life?" Tik Tik's emphatic “yes” buries itself in her throat. Does she really want to escape the hold of her friend, lover, and companion? Does she really want to return to the Tournament? She yips in assent, and soon, the darkness of the sheet is replaced with the darkness of the room and with Radasus's smiling face. Once Tik Tik's head is freed, she presses the tip of her snout against Rada's, rubbing her scaly nose against his cold one. Radasus pulls back, whimpering a little and rubbing his nose. "Ah… M… Miss Tik Tik, I…" "Rada so in charge before. Now, back be cute. Why that?" Radasus whimpers slightly. Tik Tik sits there, giving him that bright smile. He relents and presses his nose against hers, giving her the gentlest and most intimate of nose rubs. It doesn't take long for Tik Tik to slip herself out of her cocoon, once again reaching out for the Stick of Champions and handling it with care. "What do you plan to do with that?" Radasus asks. "Tik Tik will go on many adventures," she replies. "And see many new friends, but never forget friends Tik Tik meet. With this, we can meet whenever and wherever. Rada, you want come on some adventures with Tik Tik? No distance problems, nope!" Radasus sits up, placing hands upon her shoulders, rubbing them, and smiling. "That sounds like a wonderful time, Miss Tik Tik. I will be ready for you whenever you call." "This is beginning of beautiful relationship!" Tik Tik says, giggling. "But we need get dressed and going. More adventure await!"