Tik Tik tilts her head back, resting her horns against the back of the chair, staring up at the ceiling. "I want to see the world again, Radasus. Maybe once I'm done with this whole business, I'll even give your home a visit and learn the secrets of kobold-kind. My nestma- my queen, she is obsessed with legacy and genealogy. That's why she sent me out on my quest,, you know—to seek out the secrets of sex to use them to make our tribe the greatest, aah, in the land!" She shifts, resting a foot upon his knee and a hand upon his head. Her other hand slides up and down along her underbelly, her tongue licking over her snout. "Oooh, Rada, this feels so nice." Emboldened, Radasus pushes forward, wrapping his arms behind himself, licking at her, giving her the pleasure she deserves. He pushes his tongue deep within her, not caring about the delightful tastes that come from deep within. It is merely in knowing that he satisfies her that he is satisfied. Tik Tik scrunches up, gripping onto his fur, curling over him and letting out a delighted squeal. She then relaxes, stroking his head and slumping back against the chair again, her eyes fluttering, her tail twitching. Her breaths sigh out of her like little huffs. From that orgasm, Radasus stands up, hands still behind his back, his muzzle wettened by her release. "Maybe," he begins, "we should actually get something to eat. You might have a better chance at happiness if you are out and about." "Hm…? Ah, yes…" Tik Tik says, waving her hand. Her clothing flies into her grasp. "But before we can do that, the two of us should wash up. The baths here are quite lovely." Radasus nods and heads towards the back of the room. Tik Tik tuts him. "Now, now, Radasus, if we're going to enjoy a wash in a fancy place like this, we should try one of their luxury public baths." — "Dressing all the way back up again just to get naked for the baths would be such a waste of time, Rada, dear." Tik Tik says this as she tucks her towel under her arm, admiring how the soft fabric wraps around her body. Radasus stands behind her, his towel wrapped around his waist. Despite being in the privacy of the room and despite his matches in the Tournament, he can't help but whimper. "Oh, you." Tik Tik rolls her eyes. She snaps her fingers, and the closet door opens up. "Such a whiny little doggy you really are, aren't you?" She twirls around, swirling her finger. More towels float out of the closet as she does so, hovering around the canine kobold. "Perhaps, I should make you a bit more comfortable for our trip?” The towels loom closer over the doggie kobold, but Radasus does not turn away in the face of Tik Tik's punishment. Instead, he stands tall and proud, ready for whatever it is she has for him. Tik Tik exits her room, whistling to herself. She holds a leash in one hand and tugs at it. Walking into the hall in only her towel, the pink kobold leads what can only be described as a bundle of towels made alive. The only bit that proves that this isn't some kind of cloth golem is the doggie nose that pokes out from the tight wrappings. Of course, Radasus cannot see a thing so snuggly wrapped up. Indeed, he can't even hear very well nor feel the ground beneath his paws. All he has to tell him where he's going is the scent. But the sameness of all the hotel rooms masked the exact direction they go, and it is up entirely to his trust of the wizard to not lead him to some dark and dangerous trap. Tik Tik may have been angry earlier. And after all of this time, Radasus trusts her. The light nudging from the leash shows that she's not an angered mistress but jovially leading him towards someplace fun and clean. The scent of soaps and perfumes hit his nose, telling him that they are close. Even with his repressed other senses, the change in humidity is readily apparent—they've arrived at the baths of the most luxurious hotel in the known world! Tik Tik yanks the leash. The action spins the male kobold in a cartoonish blur. This sends towels flying everywhere and leaves him totally exposed to the others bathing. Radasus gulps but tenses up when he feels the scaly hands and the claws of his lover wrap around, swirling loving scritches over his well-defined muscles. Tik Tik rests her head upon his chin and coos a chittering growl into his ear. "How does this feel, Rada? Are you exposed for these other guests to see? Are you my prize puppy?" He closes his eyes and nods. "I'll be your prize puppy if that's what you want, Mistress Tik Tik." Tik Tik pouts, her hands sliding down over his body, down between his legs. “Tik Tik like show off.” She says in the common tongue, looking past him and towards a gnome lounging in the bath. The green-haired woman rolls her eyes. "You think you're going to impress me with a prize like that? Please." Tik Tik pouts. "Gimmegee, you no know good boy when you see him!" “G… good boy?” Radasus gasps. "Oooh, was that good for Rada?" Tik Tik’s fingers wrap around his shaft. "Tik Tik have to remember for good boy. But Rada no like show off. Rada like something else.” A step forward and a splash turns Rada's world into a warm and wet experience for a second. When the canine kobold emerges, taking a deep breath, he finds something heavy, wet, and quite warm resting over his eyes. "Ah…?" "Hot towel for hot doggy?" Tik Tik says, slipping into the water next to him. "Did ya need to throw me in?" Radasus says. "Maybe," Tik Tik says, snuggling up to him, drawing circles over his chest. "Tik Tik still feel upset. Rada still be good punching bag for Tik Tik." "Well, now that's a well-adjusted relationship," Gimmegee says. "My advice to you, Sir Nailo, get out of this while you still can. That girl is nothing but trouble." "Gimmegee just want Rada for herself!" "As if I'd debase myself to be with a kobold," the gnome says. "Tik Tik hear you take werewolf dick."