"You probably want this covered, too, don't you?" Tik Tik says. Radasus mumbles in response. "Of course," Tik Tik says, her eyes half narrowed, "But the wrapping up is for you. The exposed dick, well," She snickers slightly, letting her claw play up along his shaft. "That's for me. Maybe I could get some entertainment during this whole ridiculous show." Radasus lets out a little whimpering whine. Tik Tik wraps her fingers around his length, gripping him in her own constricting way. "I just wanted the Tournament of Pleasure to be a way to meet new friends and find out about fun new ways to appreciate them." She presses her palm against his flesh, sliding it up and down along that shaft. "Why did people have to come in and overcomplicate things? Why did Zelbia have to come back? Why did Elicia decide she was going to ruin my fun?" Rada whines a bit, shifting around. Tik Tik sighs. "Ugh… I shouldn't be venting through you… I should just be having fun…" she pulls her hand away, running it along her head and horn. Rada lifts his hips up, gasping and panting. "Hm? Oh, don't you worry—I've still plans for you, Radasus Nailo." Tik Tik stands up, taking a look at the doggy kobold's body. She pulls her hands towards her collar, grabbing at the ties that keep her top tight. She pinches the strings, untying the knot that holds her clothes together and then pulling the fabric apart to loosen the thing around her body. A moment later, she lifts up her shirt, tossing it aside and letting him see her underbelly up close. "I don't understand you. If you really want to please me, you'd be using your body to do so, but you don't care about the raw desire that burns deep within us. That's where we differ." Rada yips. "Tik Tik is empty, you see," she says, unhooking her belt, "And she needs ways to make herself feel full again." She slides the strap off of her pants, holding it in one hand, her other resting on her hip as her outfit falls down her legs. Radasus gulps, his nostrils flaring in quick, excited breaths. She climbs down on him, resting so his penis sits between her thighs. She leans in, letting the scales rub over his length. The pink kobold grabs the other end of her belt with her free hand and loops the thing behind Rada's head, clicking the makeshift collar together snuggly around his neck. "There, she coos, a twinkle growing in her eyes. "Now you look like a real doggie owned by mistress Tik Tik." She lets her hand run up along his cheek and up over his head, behind his ear. "You want everything taken from you and to have the comfort of someone giving you something to feel good about. I want people to leave me alone and allow me to experiment." She slides her hips up, letting her slit lick at his shaft. "There's so much that Tik Tik wants, but the world doesn't seem to care." Radasus tries to say something, as he has this whole time, but his eyes flutter back when she rests on top of his length. "I want so much, Radasus Nailo," Tik Tik growls. "And perhaps, the best way is to take what I want. I want to go back to discovering things on my own, and I want to be far away from the machinations of people who desire too much. I want…" she says this, gritting her teeth, pushing herself, so his head goes inside. "I want… to fuck… you!" Radasus has always had a sense of supplication. The warrior kobold defines his life with his various fealties, even if they were temporary. In his youngest years, he trained to protect his people. In his time as an adventurer, he took every job as seriously as he would any other, whether it be a simple fetch or a life-or-death rescue. He gives his all in service. For those brief periods, he wouldn't have to worry about the negative thoughts that crossed over every being as they made their way through this life. Those are the sorts of negative thoughts that he saw rushing through Tik Tik during her decline in the Tournament. Those are the thoughts that disappear from her eyes the deeper she slides down on top of Radasus, taking in his cock. He lays there under her, completely under her power. If he can get satisfaction from the total loss of control, then perhaps, she derives her own from taking control from others? Tik Tik sighs, her eyes closed, her head tilted back, her body on display. Radasus can see her, just a little bit with his uncovered eye. His heart thumps at the sight. Oh, there is so much he can say to her, but she denies him that possibility. There's so much he can do for her. However, he is unable because of her. All this denial makes everything so much more potent to the furry fighter. Tik Tik's breath comes out in huffs of lengthy and delighted groans. She lowers her head to flutter her eyes open and look at him, rolling her hips, enjoying that pulsing, warm, hard rod that fills her up. Her mouth curls into a smile of her sweet satisfaction, but the desire in her growls and in her twitching delight show that she's nowhere near done with him. "F… fua…" her sounds are not words. The kobold just continues her rhythm upon him, without any more of that pesky language getting in the way. The spellcraft of a wizard is in what they say: their magic comes from memorizing words of power brought to them through generations of others. They do not impart their own feelings into the spells of those who came before them, and so, their words become meaningless retreads of the thoughts of the long gone. She grips at the ribbons that cover his chest. Claws dig against them and through to the fur underneath, bringing forth a gentle groan from her partner. She lets go, patting his chest. Oh, to tear off the garments and to feel his fluffy fur—that would be so delightful, and yet, she doesn't do that. That would be merely what she wants, not what she knows he wants. And why did he come here? Just to please her? No. Sex is a dance between two people, expressing themselves for the benefit of each other. Had she only wished to indulge in her base urges, she'd need only take all power from his faculties. She's seen the likes of hypnotists. She's watched them take away all control from others and make them do as they wished. How barbaric of a practice was it to deny someone of their fun—of their desire?