“What a beautiful day it is out here in the traditional battle arena of the mightiest warrior challenge.” “That’s right, it is. I can’t ask for a better day in a more pristine environment. The strongest in all the multiverse can come here to challenge others without having to worry about any sort of collateral damage. It’s just man versus man, muscle versus muscle, in a no-holds-barred slugfest!” “Fighters here can take much more punishment than your standard martial artists, but we do have one rule. No critical injuries or death. If you knock your opponent out, get them to surrender, or ring them out of our massive arena without causing incurable harm, then you are the victor.” “This is certainly a measure not just of brute force, but of control. The strongest and the hugest have to know when to throw and when to pull their punches.” “Our current king of the hill is an avian named Titus. This all red robin has been dominating the round-robin for the past dozen matches. Don’t let his young age fool you—he’s taken on some of our most hardened of veterans.” “I think he has something to say to us about this next fight. Titus, do you have any words for any upcoming challengers who may wish to face you?” “Fuck yeah, I do! Listen up, all you sorry simpletons. Don’t even think you can take me on without muscles like these. When I flex, I blot out the sun, got it? There ain’t no one on this world who can take me on in a fight, and their ain’t no one bigger than me. I even took on the fuckin’ Juggernaut one-on-one. Now, if that doesn’t get you scared, then nothing does!” “There you have it, folks—our current king of the hill is dissuading potential challengers from facing against him in this next round. Unfortunately for him, we’ve already found out who our next contender is.” The beefy bird snorts when he hears the announcer's words. He folds his arms over his chest, the rippling mounds of muscles all over his body twitching just as the corner of his beak does. “The hell? Didn’t you hear what I had to say, girlie? You must be this beefy to fight this fight. You’re hardly bigger than a supermodel.” The green gal who approaches the ring steps inside, stretching her arms and shaking her head. “Sorry, little bird, but you gotta be blind, flying so close to the sun like that. Are you calling a hulk a pipsqueak? What a joke.” The announcer hops in with voice shaking. “Ladies and Gentlemen, that’s right. It’s the one and only Sensational She-Hulk, here to take on the challenge of being the strongest. Inflicted with Gamma Radiation from a blood transfusion, this dynamo has a nearly limitless well of power to draw upon! All you have to do is make her mad, and this busty bombshell becomes a real dynamo of muscle!” The other announcer slides on in, bringing a microphone up to She-Hulk. “Now, tell me, Miss Hulk, you appear to be much bigger than you normally are, though you still are puny in comparison to our champion here. What exactly is it that has your blood boiling green today?” She-Hulk snickers at that, then glares on over at Titus. “Oh that? It’s simple! It’s because some meat-head of a bird boy thinks just because he’s got strength means he’s the strongest. Well, let me tell you something, bird boy, beating the Juggernaut isn’t as great of a feat as you think it is. Today, I’m gonna show you just how much you have to learn.” “Oh, you’re going to teach me, are ya, old lady?” He says, chuckling, He lets his pecs bounce and wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m ready to take you on, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!” The two announcers rush away to the safety of their booth, ready to commentate on the battle. Titus takes a deep breath, letting his shoulders rise and fall. She-Hulk steps up in front of him, rolling her shoulders too, her outfit getting a little tear. “Heh… seems I”m a little bigger than I imagined,” she says. “No matter. Still small enough to look good.” Titus opens his eyes and shrugs. “Eh, you’re a little puny for my taste. But we’re here to fight, not to fuck. Let’s go!” The bell rings, and he charges forward, kneeing She-Hulk against the stomach. Though she has impressive abs, she is sent flying back, crashing into the hillside and kicking up dust from the impact. And there’s the first blow! Can She-Hulk withstand the merciless beating? Will this be too much and be the end of Titus’s run to victory? What about Oh my, look at that! She-Hulk’s jumped out of the dirt and grabbed our champion by the throat, lifting him up into the air with a smirk on her face and veins pulsing gamma blood to her fingers, her biceps swelling with pride as she gives him a smile. “How’s this for puny, huh?” He growls and kicks, his foot kicking her leg. Her muscles spasm, and she falls forward, but not before throwing him off and through a series of trees, one right after the other—knocking down an entire copse-worth of foliage before he regains his bearings and beats his wings, soaring up through the sky. His form actually does blot out the sun as he flies up in the air. He then dives down, and She-Hulk stands up, spitting into her hands, rubbing them together, and spreading her feet. “Okay, little boy… you wanna go? Let’s GO!” She-Hulk stares up at Titus. The gamma warrior clenches her fists and watches him with a keen eye. The bird, meanwhile, flaps his impressive wings, getting higher and higher, ready for a real dive bomb. “Alright, you… you think you’ve got me figured out?” Titus boasts. “Well, no one has ever faced this ultimate attack. Titus Titanic Dive Bomb Special!” He swoops down, the wind whipping through his feathers as he seeks to slam straight into her. “Not even the immovable force was able to tank this hit unscathed. You’ve got nothing on me, Shulkie.” She-Hulk closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and mumbles something under her breath. “Okay… just remember… the Knicks. Fuck you, can’t you just win one damn Gaaaaamee!?.” Her hands tremble and her teeth clench together. Veins pulse, sending her irradiated blood through her muscles, and as Titus flies straight for her, her clothing bulges, strains and rips, her muscles expand in quick succession, becoming fibrous and huge. Her gloves and shoes rip off as her hands and feet become massive, and her eyes glow with the green of gamma-infused anger. ”She-Hulk lives up to her name, having shot-up to be much taller than Titus. The bird no longer is going up against a smaller woman, but is an insignificant threat against her now titanic self. Her hand curls into a fist, ready to strike his now-smaller head.She-Hulk pulls her arm back, holding her other hand forward, aiming for the bird. Titus, for all his strength and speed, can’t pull up in time to dodge the attack from the now massive woman. She throws her punch, which breaks through the sound barrier, crashing right against Titus’s jaw. The force of the punch is enough to not only cancel out the force of his free-fall, but to also send him back, hurtling through the sky, tumbling with no control of himself. “Fuck…” She-hulk says, huffing and puffing. “I forgot just how strong I can get when I’m pissed…” Look at him soar, folks! That’s our current champion, Titus, about to be completely defeated by a ring-out with just one punch! She-Hulk grits her teeth. “Not if I have anything to say about it.” With that, she runs forward, shaking the ground with her massive thighs, and leaps high into the air. “Folks, I can hardly see the two. They’re just little dots in the sky! What is she even doing!?” “I don’t know, but it seems she’s not quite done with Titus yet!” Titus finally gets his bearings and rights himself, slowing down and rubbing his jaw. Soon, though, he stares with wide-eyed astonishment as the massive woman comes hurtling straight through him. “The hell are you doiaaah!?” She grabs onto his wings, squeezing them and spinning through the air. The two whirl around like a top before She-hulk launches Titus, and herself, back towards the arena. Rushing in with a sonic boom following close behind, the two combatants crash right back into the middle of the arena. Titus lays on the ground in the middle of that crater, groaning and stirring around. She-hulk sits right on top of him, growling, panting, staring down at his own, albeit smaller, body. Through blurry vision, the bird looks up to her, groaning with confusion. “W… what are…” She-hulk grips at his thigh, getting a great hold of his loincloth. With a roar, she rips off the fabric, revealing the avian’s dick for all to see. “The fuck are you doing!?” He gasps, trying to scramble up, but she slams her fist against his shoulder, knocking him back to the ground with a mighty blow. “No holds barred on this match,” She-Hulk says, her voice growling, lustful. Her muscles bulge and twitch as more fabrics of her costume disintegrate from the strain of the muscles. “We keep going… until you surrender.” “Like hell I’m gonna surrengack!” His words are caught off when she clamps her fingers around his throat. His eyes bulge, but his cock rises, pulsating from the rush of adrenaline from the fight and the veritable Amazonian goddess that sits atop of him. “Seems you have already!” She-hulk says, leaning back. She clamps his cock between her thighs and flexes, squishing the thing between the toned mountains of lower body perfection. Titus groans through the exercise, his body being used by a toy by the much larger woman sitting atop him with flexibility someone of her size shouldn’t possibly have. He manages to croak out a quick “h… how…?” “I’ve had plenty of practice fucking guys who thought they were hot stuff. You beat the Juggernaut in a match? Well, guess what, I fucked him so hard, he collapsed from exhaustion. And today, I’m going to do the same to you.” “This is incredible, folks. The She-hulk has transformed our competition into something completely out of our purview. Surely, there has got to be something in the rulebook that states that this is a violation.” “I’m afraid not. Our rulebooks are very short and very specific. Unless he taps out or gets knocked out, this match is still ongoing, no matter what form it takes.” “The fact that Titus hasn’t thrown in the towel yet can only really mean one thing.” “And by the look of his pecker, it’s more than obvious what he’s thinking.” Titus glares up at She-hulk, huffing as she rubs her thighs over his cock. “Look at you, little birdie,” she coos “such a little man like you thinks he can still win this? I’ve already won, babe. This is just my victory lap.” “This is pure public humiliation at this point. Oh, the humanity. Can he actually do something?” She-hulk frowns after a bit, spreading her legs apart and looking down to the large member, still pointed up in the air, still pulsing with desire. “Huh… would you look at that. Any lesser man would have surely cum by now. But, I guess that you are a champ, aren’t you?” With a quick motion, she stands up and tosses him aside, sending him tumbling around. “But, I guess you’re not really a lesser man, so… I’m going to have to get right to the point!” With that, she grips at the remains of her outfit, her arms and legs trembling, and she lets out a loud and lewd roar of unfiltered desire as she rips her clothing off, standing there with only a few rags. Her enormous tits spring free. Her shoulders bulge and her neck, as thick as a tree trunk pulses with the energy her body needs. She looks down to him, grins with pearly whites, and licks her lips. “That dick… is mine!” Titus lays on the ground, his muscles aching from the punishment he was getting from the relentless pounding. But he pushes up, his body quivering and bulging in the attempt. But the once mighty warrior is now a scrawny twig in comparison to the goddess of battle that is now standing over him. She kicks him back down with a firm shove of the shoulder, which sends him slamming into the dirt, kicking up dust from the once-compacted impact sight. She leaps upon him, grabbing onto his shoulders and pinning him down. She licks her lips, then quirks them up into a smirk. “Hey now, little guy, don’t be upset. Think about it this way. I only show off what I can really do if the man is worth it. It’s been far too long since I really hulked out!” She slides her hips up, letting her pussy, soaking wet in gamma cum up along his thick and meaty shaft. “And you don’t disappoint in one muscle. Mmmm, how much do you exercise this!?” She licks up along his length with her sex, soon covering the cap with her body. “You can still win this, you know… all you gotta do is outlast me.” Titus lets out a deep breath, still quite stunned, but She-Hulk gasps, slowing down as she takes his cock.!” “What’s this? Titus is unveiling a new secret in his arsenal? What will She-Hulk do to take the massive beast?” “If Titus is a mountain range, then his manhood is a great tree high above the canopy.” “If She-Hulk is to take him on, she’ll have to swallow the tree entirely like a…. A… giant… tree-swallowing vagina!” “Perhaps we should get back to the action instead of stretching our metaphors how far She-Hulk’s going to have to stretch. This is going to be some tight competition!” She-Hulk closes her eyes, hissing as she lowers herself down. Her sex opens up and accepts the length as she pushes herself downward, her muscles twitching as she shakes her head. “Damn… this thing is big! Probably the only big thing left on ya, little guy!” She chuckles, moving her hands to her knees. She squats down, biting her lip, shaking her waist and taking quick breaths. “Mmm yeah, that’s the stuff! Come on, you gonna sit there, or are ya gonna try and tire me out!” Titus growls and slaps his hands against her waist. She-Hulk seemingly ignores his attempts to throw her off and instead, she throws her head back, running her hands through her hair. “Oh yes, fuck yes that’s big! Fuck, but can… can it handle this!” She rolls her stomach, flexing and unflexing her core. Along with it, she clenches with Kegels, squeezing the shaft that is now a quarter of the way into her. “O… oh damn… fuck…” “It’s okay to cum, now. I don’t mind if you’re quick. It’ll save you a lot of embarrassment.” “Aaa… aahah, fuck!” ” She-Hulk frowns and she scrunches up her face, and with that, she drops herself down, shoving the cock deeper up into her. “FUCK!” she roars, her voice causing the little wildlife left in the area to scatter to the winds. Halfway… he’s halfway inside her, and Titus lays there, her massive form blotting out the sun. All he can see are muscles upon muscles, those big, fucking tits, and that face smirking down at him. “Come on, now,” She-Hulk says, patting his cheek. “Don’t you go losing consciousness on me. Champ” ,. He grunts and cries out as she slides down, little-by-little. She goes hands-free, spreading her legs wide and lowering herself more and more, her muscles holding the cock at bay, and her stomach screaming at her, but she just smiles and says. “I can do this all day.” With that last confident jeer, she bounces, crashing down to the hilt and sending him sprawling back into the ground “Ah. Ah… fuck.. Nngh…” Titus groans, feeling the building pressure up inside of him. She sits there, squatting still, rolling her hips around. “Well, well, is that all you got? Feels like you’re about to erupt, little guy. All that bluster and all that attempt to pound me womb-deep and here you are, the one about to cum.” He thinks about all he can, exerting his mind and will against his body. To try and ignore all the millions of nerves yelling at him about all the pleasure they feel. He even reaches down, grabbing for his dick, but she’s all the way on him, and there’s no way to get her off, even though he tries desperately to remove her. “Here we go! Come on, little guy and cum! “N… noooo!” “Yes! Yes!” “Nooooooooo!” She-Hulk smiles, feeling the warm emissions fill her up. She sighs and shudders, biting her finger and running a hand through her hair. “Oh damn!” she sighs, playing with a tit, swirling her finger over a nipple. “That’s good… that’s good. Though… honestly, I was expecting more from a guy like you. Oh well.” “W… what are …” he says, still straining and squirming under her “You talking about, I… I was… that was… that was just precum.” She-Hulk’s eyes widen at the declaration. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” She-Hulk snickers when she hears that her opponent wasn’t even through yet. She reaches down, clasping her hand around his throat and turning his face to face her. “Oooh, for a boy like yourself to not like it, you sure are letting me have the ride of your life.” She snickers at this and picks up the pace once more, slamming herself over his cock, shaking the ground around them with each of the forceful bounces. He groans, clenching his eyes shut, breathing with ragged breaths as she continues to use and abuse him. “Mmmm, fuck yeah, you’re still so hard and so full!” She-Hulk screams, moving her hand down from his throat and over his collar, his chest, his abs, and then up her body, her side, to her tits. She grips her giant knockers in both hands, fondling herself as she bounces on his shaft, biting her lip and moaning all the way. “D… damn, even though we were doing this so long, I’m still so fuckin’ horny!” Titus lays back, trying to catch his breath. He’s too sore to do anything. Any fight left in him is gone. It’s a fight just to stay awake, and even as he seems to start drifting off, he’s greeted with a twist of her hips or a slap to his face, knocking him back to the realm of the waking. “Hey there, no falling asleep now. Do I need to give you something to do, little man?” “I-” He begins, but Titus cannot get another word out, as She-Hulk practically falls upon him, shoving his face and beak in between her gamma gazongas. He muffles and squirms underneath of her, but there’s nothing left for him to do.” “Oh, the humanity! Titus is certainly down for the count, but if only we had a count for this match!” “That’s right, he has to tap out or lose consciousness for the match to be declared over, and it seems She-Hulk is doing everything in her power to prolong his humiliation. We’ve never seen a match like this here, folks, and it’s just brutal!” “Brutal, but extremely entertaining! We’re getting many more viewers than ever before just for all the spectacle we’re getting today.” “Boy, oh, boy, this match is one for the history books for sure!” She-Hulk sits back up, rocking her booty against his lower body. “Just… just you wait… for the epic conclusion! You’ve never seen anything like it!” “What in the world do you suppose she means?” “I guess we’ll have to find out!” Titus moans, arching his back, letting out a whimper and a cry, his eyes opening wide and rolling back. It begins lightly, with a few more spurts. She-Hulk chuckles when she feels it, pumping his cock to try to urge out more, but after a moment, she gasps, the force of his explosion of cum shooting out of her snatch all around her. Her body shoots up nearly past the head, but she won’t let him cum outside of her. She grips her toes against the ground and holds onto his shoulders, using her strength to keep herself from being launched off. Because of this, the cum has nowhere to go but all around the two of them, splurting all over the ground and all over his body. Titus whimpers, humiliated by the fact that he’s getting covered by his own cum. He’s came a massive amount before, but this is crazy. He groans, laying feebly back, unable to do anything but take it. Soon, the crater their fight made is filled with cum, burying She-Hulk to her ankles. It finally dies down and Titus collapses into a heap in the pool of jizz. She-Hulk lifts herself up off of him, pouring out onto him, but she locks her lips over his dick, her creampied pussy in view of the bird. “Guu… uihhh?” He’s so out of it, he can’t even appreciate what he did to her pussy. She-Hulk sucks on that seemingly dried out cock and urges out just a bit more of his expulsions from him. He groans in pain as his refractory period is so confused and messed with, but she sits up, cum drizzling down her chin and the corner of her mouth. She spins around, sitting on his stomach and grabs his cheeks, squeezing them together and opening his mouth. He squawks with confusion and annoyance when she lowers her face toward him, but then attempts to pull away as she brings her lips close to his mouth, opening them up, and letting the floodgates loose. His eyes roll back as he tastes his own cum drizzling down his tongue and into his throat. He tries to cough it up, but she presses her tongue down into his mouth, scooping the jizz out of her mouth and into his. He coughs and squawks and groans and shifts, eventually falling back when she lets go to lay with his cheek to the ground, oozing cum out of his mouth. Despite his best efforts, there is just too much of the stuff pooling up around him and over him, that he couldn’t help but swallow a large load of his own spunk in the process. She-Hulk smiles and swallows, standing up and raising her hands up into the air. “And there you have it folks. After changing the entire genre of our competition, She-Hulk finishes off the defending champion with a humiliating finishing move. Even if he fights again, Titus will never, ever be able to live down the severe beating he got today.” “This is a momentous occasion,and you all saw it here, folks! The start of the career of our strongest competitor, the Sensational She-Hulk!”